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August 31, 2012
Remember That Time Barack Obama Stopped The Oceans From Rising?
Graph via WattsUpWithThat*
Politifact: TRUE, WINGNUTS!!11!
Oh, my. Mitt really stirred the hornets' nest with his joke about Obama's promise to rein in those pesky sea levels.
Like they did with Paul Ryan's Janesville GM plant reference, the "fact checkers" are wetting themselves as they completely miss the point (and get the facts wrong at the same time).
They can't accept that every rational person outside their little Progressive/Media (BIRM) bubble views their Messiah's grandiose promises of environmental healing and a magically restored economy where every job is a green job as the punchline to a joke. A very bad joke.
The death throes of their fairytale are going to be ugly, but lucky for us they will be televised. Enjoy.
*(h/t Damn Dirty RINO for adding the Obama quote to the graph)