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August 16, 2012
Shocker: Media Embargoes FRC Shooting
Only ABC gave it any significant coverage.
Tony Perkins, head of the FRC, noted, correctly, that leftist groups' casual branding anyone they disagree with as "hate" groups, outside the pale, deligitimized, and, for all intents and purposes, dehumanized, contributes to the unhinged's willingness to kill.
After all, we all know if that if we had a time machine, we could, morally, go back in time and kill Hitler. Well, you don't need a time machine to go to the FRC, and if they're just like Hitler.... might as well shoot them, eh?
@comradearthur used that analogy. I think he's right.
Chris Matthews, of course, did not cover the story at all. I assume he is on the "pro" side of murdering Republicans, because he used to rage quite insanely if someone so much as criticized Obama. That, he contended, could lead to political violence.
Well here is actual political violence, and he's apparently okay with it. Not even worth a mention.
I've talked about this before-- if the liberals' position is that a failure to expressly and vigorously repudiate political violence encourages violence (something I actually agree with), what does it say when they absolutely refuse so condemn a shooting of a man at a conservative organization?
By their own logic-- they're encouraging it. And I think, actually, this is not just cheap logic. I think in their hearts they don't mind this.
They're comfortable with it.
Eggs, omlettes. Sometimes some breakage is required.
CNN, of course, covered itself in almost as much glory.