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August 22, 2012
Romney Drops a "Bless His Heart" On Obama
"Bless his heart" being among my favorite obscenities, and one I only realized was an obscenity this past year.
It's the nicest-sounding f-you in the world.
In Iowa, Romney dropped the b**** h** h****.
"President Obama, bless his heart, has tried to substitute government for free people, and it has not worked.”
Now, "bl*ss h*s h**rt" is a Southern coinage, right? And it's a very stealth-condescending put-down, right? Like "He tries so hard. Bl*** h** h****."
So... You know. A week of "racism" claims. "Dog whistles."
Chris Matthews is going to eat his own face over this outrage.
Sarah Palin Deployed It... against Akin.
Then again sometimes a "bl$ss h&s h%^rt" is an actual "bless his heart."