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August 18, 2012
Jail Sentences For Pussy Riot [OregonMuse]
I heard about this from one of my Facebook friends If anyone wants to read about some musicians who are actually "raging against the machine", read about these young ladies. They are in prison for their music and their actions. Personally, I'm not sure that staging an obscenity-laced flash mob performance inside an Orthodox church is the best way to oppose autocrat Vladimir Putin, but I'd just like to point out an article about artists who are truly opposing the system within which they live. And they've paid a price for it -- they have been imprisoned for their raging - as opposed to douchebag poseurs such as Tom Morello, who sits on his fat, has-been ass all day and talks smack about shit he knows nothing about, at no personal cost to himself.
Also, what moron would not be immediately interested a band called Pussy Riot?

posted by Open Blogger at
01:58 PM
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