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August 21, 2012
Bitter, Loathesome Witch At Coven of Hatred Denounces Name of Enemy To The End of Time
Hey, remember when Mort Kondracke mentioned to Madeleine Albright there was this crazy left-wing rumor that Bush had bin Ladin on ice and would trot him out just before the 2004 election? And rather than saying "How absurd!" she instead nodded gravely and said, "I've heard that too"?
She hereby denounces the Renegade Demon Bush until the Heavens fall to the earth.
"All of a sudden this man gets up and says, 'How long will you blame the previous administration for all of your problems?'" Albright recounted. "I said, 'Forever.'"
The story prompted laughter and applause from the crowd.
And why shouldn't it. And why shouldn't it.