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August 03, 2012
Obama's Failure In One Big Chart
This chart was prepared by the blog Political Math, which calls the numbers you're about to read "unassailable," drawing them straight from the BLS A Tables.
Now, if you are adrift when it comes to economics and don't know what the BLS A Tables are, let me tell you: I don't fucking know either.
But according to Political Math, they're a more comprehensive total of all employment in the US, not just including payroll surveys (which is Table B). I guess they tabulate "Household Employment." Remember that? During the Bush Administration conservatives always pushed for the Household numbers to be mentioned in the media, and they never did, preferring the payroll surveys, which were less generous.
Similarly, Table B is more generous to Obama; but no one wanted to talk Table B with Bush. So Table A it is then.
Make sure you click on them, by the way, and read their whole post.
Because I'm also linking the Washington Post, linking the same chart, to make the point that 1, this was fact-checked and the WaPo couldn't knock it down and 2, the audience seeing it is bigger than a blog's.
The colors of the boxes indicate employment -- brighter green for low unemployment, green for good unemployment, reddish for higher unemployment, deep red for, well, Obama.
So there you go. Total jobs created by president, beginning in their first January and ending in their last January (or before that, if they died like JFK or resigned like Nixon). And for Obama, of course, the numbers are only as current as the current day -- the numbers include June's figures, but not the July figures released today.
Two words: Un. Precedented.
I'm posting this very late, to give everyone something to chew on in the early AM as we all wait for the July jobs figures to be released.