Forgotten 90s Mystery ClickToo much walkin', shoes worn thin
Too much trippin' and my soul's worn thin
Time to catch a ride, it leaves today, her name is what it means
Too much walkin', shoes worn thinDamn I used to love this one. It's definitely a driving-around, looking-for-trouble kind of song.
Both Michigan's Appeals Court and North Carolina's Supreme Court have reversed lower (Hawaiian judge) rulings keeping RFKJr.'s name on the ballot. Democrats want to keep his name on the ballot because they don't want RFKJr.'s voters voting for the man RFKJr. endorsed, Trump. Republicans want him off (as RFKJr. himself demanded) so that they will.
Remember, it was RFKJr.
himself who filed to remove his name from the ballot. Democrat judges said "no, you have to stay on the ballot, to help Kamala." I mean, they didn't say that last part out loud -- but that's the reason.
Nice election news for Team Trump:
BREAKING: Michigan Appeals Court just ordered that RFK Jr.'s name will be taken off the ballot!
Leading Report
BREAKING: North Carolina Court of Appeals has ordered Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s name to be taken off the general election ballot in the state.
Via John Ekdahl and our own weft-cut loop
"Ben Had" has been in contact with commenter "JT," and he is on the road to recovery and appreciates all of the prayers!
Popular gun Youtuber Paul Harrell
has died. Love him or hate him, he created a lot of interesting content. [dri]
Forgotten 70s Yacht Rock Mystery ClickAnother easy one -- I don't want anyone working too hard on Labor Day weekend.
Friday night, it was late, I was walking you home
We got down to the gate and I was dreaming of the night
Would it turn out right
Forgotten Very Early 80s Soft Rock Mystery ClickLet's make this super-easy, barely an inconvenience for Labor Day. You don't have to name the band, just the song:
Well, make a wish, baby
And I will make it come true
Make a list baby, of the things I'll do for you
I was talking about Vince Vaughan movies with Pug Mahon and other commenters. Even when his movies are mid, or romantic comedy dreck, he always has a least one scene that's a scream. In
The Break-Up, he revisits his hilarious video-game trash-talking from
Swingers, this time humiliating a child he's playing online and then
Jennifer Anniston's date.His funniest stuff is what can be called "aggressive, bullying Alpha Chad whining and complaining." Or just straight-up rage freak-outs.
And of course
his Swingers trash-talk is a classic in the field
BurtTC writes:
I listened to Dave Smith's podcast with Nicole Shanahan. At some point you have to ask, people who genuinely consider themselves to be good, and still vote Democrat... how do you not know you are supporting the most evil people to ever exert power in this country? Whatever your grievances against Republicans and Don Trump (many of which are perfectly valid), how do you not see this for what it is?
Nicole is a very reasonable person, and while she lacks the name recognition of RFK, in many ways she even a better spokeperson for this very point.
That podcast is here. It's an hour long. I'll ask Burt about where she talks about this.
Forgotten 80s Mystery ClickI
totally forgot this one until five minutes ago. I had
no memory of it at all.
I got no means to show identification
I got no papers show you what I am
You'll have to take me just the way that you find me
What's gone is gone and I do not give a damn
Former Clinton adviser Mark Penn: Kamala ducking the media and refusing to debate is "unacceptable" in a democracy
It's only a fake democracy now-- the Regime is barely pretending it's anything else than an oligarchy.
Don Black:
">The Justice Department brought the charges agains ..."
Huck Follywood:
"A healthy happy Monday to JJS and all the horde! ..."
"morning horde.
happy monday, let's see what f ..."
"The victim in Marxist America is the perp. The on ..."
NR Pax:
"Good morning, one and all. Why does Monday always ..."
installation store discount:
"I blog quite often and I truly thank you for your ..."
Skip :
"We have a debate this week, hopefully a Harris tra ..."
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"Good morning JJ and horde
I don't like Mondays b ..."
NaCly Dog:
Congrats on a week starting in Firs ..."
NaCly Dog:
"Read the comments like a rookie. ..."
Adriane the Steering Critic in Steerage . . .:
"[i] Disclaimer: Port out, starboard home...[/i]
NaCly Dog:
"Good morning!
Let's smile & be happy & strike ..."