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March 28, 2024
Jon Stewart Defrauded New York By Severely Undervaluing Home, Depriving New York of the Property Taxes It Deserved
He screams a lot about Mar-a-Lago having a low estimated taxable value in Florida, but being represented as being worth a lot more than that in loan applications.
And yet Jon Stewart did the exact same thing -- and defrauded New York in exactly the same way Trump allegedly did.
He's not just terminally unfunny, he's also a scumbag ignorant idiot.
Jon Stewart benefited by 829% 'overvalue' of his NYC home even as he labels Trump's civil case 'not victimless'
By Social Links for Mary K. Jacob
Comedian Jon Stewart ranted this week that Donald Trump's civil real-estate case overvaluing his properties was "not victimless," yet when it came to his own home, Stewart benefited from a similar inflation.
On Monday night, Stewart, 61, unpacked Trump's $454 million appeal bond, calling out experts framing the former president's New York civil case as not causing direct harm to any individual.
"The Daily Show" host rolled a clip of CNN's Laura Coates interviewing "Shark Tank" star Kevin O'Leary, who commented that the ruling didn't "go over well" with the real estate industry that was now fretting over the possibility of becoming the next target.
Coates responds to O'Leary by highlighting that Trump was found liable for falsifying business records in the second degree, issuing false financial statements, insurance fraud and conspiracy, all due to asset inflation.
"Everything that you just listed off is done by every real estate developer everywhere on Earth in every city. This has never been prosecuted," O'Leary replied.
In response, Stewart asked: "How is he not this mad about overvaluations in the real world?"
"Because they are not victimless crimes," he said.
To further his point, Stewart argued that "money isn't infinite. A loan that goes to the liar doesn't go to someone who's giving a more honest evaluation. So the system becomes incentivized for corruption."
Stewart also contended that failing to declare a higher market value on a property, while paying taxes based on a lower assessed value, constitutes fraudulent behavior.
"The attorney general of New York knew that Trump's property values were inflated because when it came time to pay taxes, Trump undervalued the very same properties," Stewart added. "It was all part of a very specific real estate practice known as lying."
But it didn't take long for internet sleuths to look into Stewart's own property history, which shows his New York City penthouse sold for 829% more than its assessed value, records confirmed by The Post reveal.
But according to 2013-2014 assessor records obtained by The Post, the property had the estimated market-value at only $1.882 million.
The actual assessor valuation was even lower, at $847,174.
Records also show that Stewart paid significantly lower property taxes, which were calculated based on that assessor valuation price -- precisely what he called Trump out for doing in his Monday monologue.
Because Jon Stewart is an unfunny old liberal high school girl, he reacted the way all aging liberal high school girls do on the internet, with extremely grating and shrieky sarcasm all sporting a shrill exclamation point.
OMG!! I've been caught doing something not remotely similar to Trump! I guess all I need to do now is start a fraud college, steal classified docs, bankrupt casinos, pay hush money, grab pussies, discriminate in housing, cheat at golf and foment insurrection and you'll revere me!
So many exclamation points.
You want a vespa and a messenger bag to go with all of those exclamation points?

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
02:51 PM
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