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March 19, 2024
Biden Administration Plots to Save The Iranian Terror-Proxy Hamas By Refusing to Sell Israel Arms and Ammunition
The US is now a sponsor of terror, thanks to Obama/Biden.
President Biden, keeping Prime Minister Netanyahu at arm's length, is reportedly considering leaving Israel short of the armaments it needs to fight Hamas. Such a politically based move risks harming America’s global interests.
By Sunday, Israel must tell America that it is complying with international restrictions on arms supplies, including by facilitating ample humanitarian assistance to Gaza, the national security adviser, Jacob Sullivan, told reporters Monday, adding that it is yet to do so.
Meanwhile, a Jerusalem official noted a recent reduction of American arms supplies to Israel, ABC news reports. The Israel Defense Force is running out of 155 mm artillery shells and 120 mm tank shells, as well as sensitive guidance equipment, the official said.
Last week, seven Democrats, led by Senators Van Hollen, Merkley, and Sanders, alleged that Israel is violating section 620I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. They urged Mr. Biden to limit offensive arms to the IDF.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
12:05 PM
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