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March 28, 2024
The Morning Report — 3/28/24
Good morning, kids. The loud, incessant geschrei following the hiring and almost-immediate firing of former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel by NBC in the grand scheme of things is not so much important as it is quite instructive. For one thing, it seems to have deflected quite a bit of the spotlight that was shining on the disaster of Baltimore's Key Bridge destruction. I think it's safe to assume that if this disappears entirely within the next couple of news cycles without any kind of definitive and independently verifiable proof of exactly what happened, a true timeline of events and the complete backstory and bios of everyone involved on the ship and controlling its movements from shore – as is my suspicion – then the truth will have been deemed way too embarrassing and damaging for Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants, especially this close to November.
And, as is the case, November is both always a million years away and just around the corner. Whether incompetence, criminal sabotage, terrorism by non-state actors or a covert act of war by perhaps the ChiComs or Russians, or even just some bizarre freak accident, that something of this magnitude could have even happened in the first place does not bode well for a whole host of reasons.
Psaki-psircling (and isn't that appropriate) back to Ronna McDaniel, it's quite revealing about the nature of the enemy we face. When you get right down to it, there is very little difference between her and say Michael Steele and Nicole Wallace. Whoever it was at the top of NBC who offered her the gig in the first place understood that. He also understood, like we all do, that McDaniel, nee ROMNEY, was at best an inept fool and at worst yet another RINO saboteur who helped turn what was supposed to have been a massive tsunami of a red wave 2022 midterm into Crisco Christie's innie of a squirt gun micturating a cantaloupe-sized-prostate-constricted stream onto the Rock of Gibraltar.
Whatever Trump's calculus in backing her as RNC chair was in the first place, for sure today there is no love lost (See the sidebar) between either of them. She for sure would have eagerly joined the Greek chorus of Trump is literally Hitler, Trump must be stopped at all costs, Trump is the greatest danger to our precious democracy, etc. ad nauseam, and probably in a voice that ultimately would've drowned out even that of the horrendous Nicole Wallace and equally scummy Michael Steele.
Yet, despite all of the positives (in their eyes) she could have brought to the Goebbelsian NBC and MSNSDAP in being a supposed "reasonable, rational Republican," that is a back-stabbing lying slag propagandist, the usual gang of idiots, homunculi, mental defectives and Marxist criminals that compose the lineup at that whorehouse network (and every other whorehouse network and rag out there) went into freakout mode. On the surface it was because McDaniel supposedly supported Trump's right to protest the outcome of the 2020 election. That in and of itself is a mortal sin, but the real objection was her being merely associated with Trump, period.
Forget being associated with McCain, Bush or perhaps even Ronald Reagan. How quickly they and every Republican regardless of their Constitutional conservative bona fides or more likely lack thereof were slimed as racist, homophobic Nazis who want to throw granny off a cliff and take food out of the mouths of starving children. When Trump came along, oh how the propagandists pined for the days of yore and heaped praise on all of the aforementioned GOP Emanuel Goldsteins du jour because Trump was and still is "literally Hitler."
Believe me, I'm no defender of Ronna McDaniel because as you process all of that, she jumped at the chance to have a fat salary by joining the likes of some of the most horrid individuals imaginable so she too could bash Trump and the MAGA movement on one of the biggest Leftist house organs around. Frankly, she can go jump in a lake. What happened to her, as I stated is quite instructive as to the state of mind of the enemy. Whether she'd have been an effective Lady Haw-Haw is now academic.
The reaction to her hiring and the demanding that she be fired might very well be yet another own-goal of the Left at a most inopportune moment as the illegal alien invasion, cratering economy, national crime wave and eruption of overt Democrat Jew-hatred is already repelling even reliable Democrat voters. Many of these people already have the media in low esteem and even see them as desperately trying to help drag Biden's carcass across the finish line by covering up his criminality and melting brain.
By the way, I don't call them MSNSDAP for nothing:
Once a pariah for his role in inciting anti-Semitic riots that lynched two innocent people, and the torching of Freddie’s Fashion Mart, a Harlem store owned by a Jew whom Sharpton referred to as a “white interloper” in which 7 people were burned to death, all of them “of color,” Sharpton was resurrected by Barack Obama as his “civil rights” adviser and accepted into the Democrat fold as the party’s kingmaker. . . Without the support of Sharpton and his racist admirers, Comcast would not have been able to gain control of NBC and so it’s hardly surprising that it streams the worst lies and hate by the worst bigots as a payback for the series of dirty deals that made Roberts so rich and powerful.
During Sharpton’s lobbying for the Comcast deal, MSNBC denied that there was an offer to give the notorious racial arsonist his own show, only to debut it a few months later. Comcast not only gave Sharpton a show, but included the head of his racist National Action Network in its “diversity council.” Sharpton in turn gave MSNBC boss Phil Griffin an award after previously handing it to Jeff Zucker, who ran NBC at the time, before going off to run CNN.
Alongside Joy Reid and Sharpton, MSNBC regularly features the unhinged Elie Mystal, who said that the United States “Constitution is trash” and bragged, “you come out as a Republican, I’m prejudiced against you”, Tiffany Cross, who argued that the media focusing on the economic concerns of midwesterners was pandering to “racist white people”, Melissa Harris-Perry, who claimed that the term “hard work” is racist, and a seemingly bottomless list of bigots.
MSNBC doesn’t just employ vile racists like Reid and Sharpton who smear our country and promote hate, but also foreign enemy propagandists like Ayman Mohyeldin, formerly of Qatar’s Al Jazeera, who defended the Islamic terrorist state during the World Cup by attacking America. . . MSNBC’s decision to turn itself into Al Jazeera by stocking it with the Jihadist network’s leftovers has led to constant incitement and antisemitic propaganda at its 24/7 hate network. . .
. . . These lies, smears and slurs, like many others, come down to one company, Comcast, and one man, Brian L. Roberts. Comcast is a family business and Brian was born into it. “I think we have known that Brian would take over the company since he was about eight years old,” its co-founder admitted. At 30, he did just that and took the company from cable to content.
Unlike his father, Brian was not satisfied just providing cable access and was obsessed with taking control of programming. After a failed bid to take over Disney, he bought NBC.
MSNBC had begun purging its conservative personalities in a leftist makeover even before the Comcast takeover, but the process accelerated rapidly as talks began. And Comcast bought support for the takeover by handing out money to racists and their hate groups. . .
. . . When challenged about [Ali] Velshi’s lies at a shareholder meeting and asked to condemn Antifa, Roberts retorted that, “racism, injustice, violence have no place and cannot be tolerated.”
But the racism was coming from his personal hate network.
Roberts is not a brilliant businessman, he’s a savvy political donor. Comcast got as big and powerful as it did because it adopted the right politics and paid off the right people.
In 2020, Roberts’ wife provided $152,800 to fund the Biden campaign. But that was small change compared to the millions raised by Comcast’s chief lobbyist for Obama whom Biden has appointed as the ambassador to Canada. Roberts took to golfing with Obama and hosting him on Martha’s Vineyard. And even that money was dwarfed by the subsidies from the tax-free Comcast Foundation. . .
. . . Comcast is a corrupt company that pushes hate for profit. And Brian L. Roberts, who got the job because of his daddy, has used it to tear apart this country and reward the worst and most divisive bigots.
Despite the Jewish origins of the Roberts family, Brian Roberts has overseen a company that spreads the worst lies emanating from the terrorist propaganda machines of Hamas and the PLO. The anti-Semitic chorus at MSNBC, posing as journalists, promotes the worst smears against Israel and Jews in America.
The story of Comcast, like the tragic tale of so many other major and increasingly international companies, is that of powerful corporations turning on their own roots, on the country and the people that made them possible.
And that my friends, as the estimable Daniel Greenfield details, is the real story of the Ronna Romney McDaniel clusterfuck. They're incredibly stupid, but their stupidity is driven by their blinkered insularity. They could've just shut their cakeholes and accepted McDaniel as one of their own but in actually believing their own horrid propaganda about Trump, and by extension anyone associated with him, they've exposed themselves as the rabidly insane hacks that they are. This indicates to me that it's not just an act; they've literally lost their minds.
Part of it, of course, is the fact that despite all their efforts and despite the efforts of a completely corrupt legal system, and really because of the disaster that has been the past three years of Obama and company pulling Biden's strings, Trump actually does have a shot at really winning this thing come November.
RFK Jr.'s selection of an equally hardcore leftist as his running mate is sure to take votes away from both disaffected radical lefties who think Biden is too soft on Israel and the American citizenry, and whatever is left of the Democrat base that is not Maoist. The votes he might take away from Trump are going to be statistically, if not actually nil.
The unhinged reaction to Ronna McDaniel is also a warning that things are going to get very dangerous both to Trump and all of us as November nears. Friend and friend of the blog Bob Zimmerman has some dire prognostications and I can honestly and sadly say, he's not wrong:
For my entire life I have devoutly wished to see some willingness on the left to honestly debate and participate in an open exchange of ideas. In my entire life I have never found them willing to do so.
Instead, that close-mindedness has driven them further and further into a crazy hole that brooks no dissent, because their positions have become increasingly irrational and indefensible. You can’t win a debate if you are arguing that men can be women, you support the castration and mutilation of little children, and that terrorists like Hamas are the good guys. Your only solution if these are your positions is to shut down all debate, so you can force these policies on everyone, even if almost everyone opposes you.
We have now reached this point in history, and the only way out for the left appears to be violence and the destruction of our constitutional republic.
Read it all. Just 24 years ago, we were all laughing at "Sore-Loserman" i.e. Gore-Lieberman. Al Gore is a bloated grifter. Joe Lieberman, who has now passed on, was probably the last of the last of the reasonable Democrats and liberals which one could debate. I disagreed with him most of the time on most issues. But he was a decent human being, insofar as one can be decent in the indecent enterprise of politics.
Meh, perhaps I'm looking back at what I perceive as halcyon days, especially compared to the present. But Democrat policy has always been a cancer on America as founded, regardless of how "nice" the Democrat politician in question was.
That said, I stand by my assertion yesterday that today's Democrats and their supporters are the greatest threat by far to what's left of America and whatever our chances are at a revival. You're either with us, or you're with the terrorists. Had Lieberman lived, he might've jumped ship considering what the Democrats are doing to Israel. As it is, he remained silent since 10/7.
Or MSNSDAP and the rest of the propaganda organs embargoed him.
- "Rolling Stone’s glowing feature of the ‘superstructure’ Biden is amassing to control the 2024 election aftermath should sound familiar."
Leftists Bragged About ‘Fortifying’ the 2020 Election. Now They’re Flaunting Plans to Do It Again in 2024
- Robert Zimmerman: "As I said, from November to January will be a very dangerous time for anyone whom these corrupt government employees see as an enemy. Fake scandals like the Russian collusion hoax will the least of our worries."
Part 3: The Expected Tantrum of Madness Should Biden Actually Lose the Election
- "How could the stable and reasonably cohesive America of the 1950s have reached this point in just one lifetime? Who are the main culprits? Here’s my list of the 10 most destructive Americans of the last 80 years." (Hat tip to CBD - jjs)
The 10 Most Destructive Americans of My 8 Decades
- David Solway: "If Biden is re-elected in the U.S. and Trudeau in Canada, there will be no recovery. The social fabric will have been torn and shredded beyond the possibility of repair. It would no longer be a question of five years or a decade but of the indefinite future."
The Canadian Sickness
- "You might have missed it, but the idea that medical personnel provide full transparency before 'therapies' or 'procedures' has been quietly erased after being the status quo since Nuremberg."
"Informed Consent" Officially Nixed as Long as There is Only "Minimal Risk" to the Patient
- Daniel Greenfield: "Sen. Lieberman's opposition to Islamic terrorism had so infuriated the Left that it did everything possible to topple him. . . we live in a world in which Carter clings to life like a presidential dracula and Biden, who can’t finish a sentence, is in the White House, but Sen. Lieberman, who was so remarkably articulate not so long ago, has passed on."
RIP Senator Joseph Lieberman
- Victor Davis Hanson: "From civilian casualties, the use of disproportionate force, and international biases, the mainstream narrative of the Gaza conflict often obfuscates the truth behind lies."
Gaza: Truths Behind All the Lies
- "Now is the Time of the Sword." (Up there with "Don't Tread On Me" - jjs)
Israelis Brace for the Big War in the North
- "It might well prove that by sparing Gaza civilians the true cost of this war, Jerusalem is encouraging continued support for Hamas. But what it does prove is that Israel has not, does not, and will not commit genocide — unlike their enemies."
Let's Talk About the Absolute Worst Thing in the World
- "The Times of Israel reported that Bashara, who worked as a driver at the Alon paper goods company, was set to be engaged and had been his family’s breadwinner since the death of his father, providing for his extended family. The outlet also reported that roughly 30 rockets had been fired near the town of Kiryat Shemona, which has been largely abandoned by its residents since Hezbollah began firing at Israel in solidarity with Hamas in early October."
Hezbollah Hits Israeli Factory for People with Special Needs; Kills Druze Arab, 23
- "America is better than this [junta]."
Biden’s Cowardice Feeds Hamas’ Criminal War Strategy
* * * * *
- “There was propaganda used in the beginning of the siege… There’s still no evidence of beheaded babies or raped women. But they still keep using that lie [for] propaganda.”
Jamaal Bowman Runs Away From Evidence That He is a Hamas Rape Denier
- "Jamaal Bowman is a proven liar and a war-crimes denier, in addition to having terrible policy ideas. It is up to the Democrats of Westchester and The Bronx to decide if he is the man they want representing them in Washington."
Voters Must End Bigoted, Lying Dem Radical [pardon the redundancies] Jamaal "Fire Alarm" Bowman’s Horrible Political Career
- "'They are looking to train teachers with dangerous material that will indoctrinate our students to be anti-Semitic," teacher warns."
Massachusetts Teachers Union Hosts Webinar By Professor Who Praised Hamas, Enraging Membership
- “student-led effort to pass a resolution proposing Vanderbilt Student Government adopt boycott, divestment and sanctions tactics did not move forward because of potential conflict with federal and state laws”
Vanderbilt U. Students ‘Occupy’ Chancellor’s Office After Administration Pulls Israel Divestment Question From Student Ballot
- "The self-described 'Muslim anarchist' is 'really proud' of his anti-Israel students."
Mohamed Abdou, Deep Admirer of Hamas, Now Teaching at Columbia
- "'Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our violent criminal organizations policy,' YouTube tells Free Beacon."
Columbia " 'Palestinian' Resistance" Event Violates YouTube Policy Against Promotion of Terrorism, Video Platform Says
- "Growing up in Bahrain, Fatema Al Harbi was taught to hate Jews. But she changed her mind."
Prager U Video: Arabs and Israelis – Finding Common Ground
- Terence Muhammad, who serves as the non-profit’s lead events and field coordinator, has repeatedly praised Farrakhan on social media and raised money for his organization.According to visitor logs, Lennox Yearwood, who serves as CEO of The Hip Hop Caucus, has made seven visits to the Biden White House. In Yearwood’s most recent White House visit, he and several other Hip Hop Caucus officials attended a private meeting with Sofia Carratala, who serves as President Biden’s domestic policy adviser.
"Top Soldier" in Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam Linked to Biden White House
- "Maryland State Police said that divers located the two bodies inside a red pickup at the bottom of the Patapsco River."
Two Bodies Found After Massive Cargo Ship Ripped Apart Baltimore Bridge
- "The unprecedented quality of the information available to the public about the disaster in the first hours has also seen some consideration in the public sphere about the possibility of a terrorist attack including a cyber attack on the ship. Nevertheless, the FBI and Baltimore Police have said they have seen no evidence of terrorist activity in their preliminary investigations."
Baltimore Ship ‘Black Box’ Data Recorder Taken by Investigators as Search for Missing Continues
- As the investigation is still ongoing, officials did not detail how much of the materials made their way into the water, however, Homendy stated that a sheen could be seen within the port as some containers 'were breached.'” (Where's Mayor Buttplug? Isn't he top, or bottom, dog on this thing? - jjs)
NTSB Confirms 764 Tons Of Hazardous Materials Aboard Cargo Ship, Reveal Black Box Data Prior To Bridge Impact
- It's funny because he has the melanin and D-suffix yet he won't say it. Baltimore has become the shithole of shitholes under his watch. He's Mayor Buttocks minus the sword-swallowing - jjs
Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott: Those Calling Me "DEI Mayor" Don’t Have Courage to Say the "N-Word"
- "But the dissenting opinion is the must read." (How can any court overrule SCOTUS? - jjs)
Fifth Circuit Denies Texas Motion, Keeps Immigration Law Block in Place
- All major parties and independents agree they're 'concerned' about illegal aliens casting ballots."
3 Out Of 4 Americans Worried About Illegals Voting In U.S. Elections: I&I/TIPP Poll
- "Veteran homelessness increased 7.4% in 2023, according to the Department of Veterans Affairs. In contrast, taxpayers have to bear an estimated net cost of $150.7 billion every year for illegal migration. The illegals get all the money and attention from Democrats."
‘Deplorable’: Reps. Say Veterans Homeless as Illegals Get Freebies
- "The harsh reality is that the horrific migrant crimes that draw national outrage might not have happened at all if laws were enforced."
The Many Ways a Porous Border Means Crime Without Boundaries
- Moreno was categorized as an “absconder” after failing to abide by the program’s rules, internal documents from Immigrations Customs and Enforcement (ICE) obtained by the outlet revealed. The illegal migrant was originally released into the U.S. on parole as a result of overcrowded detention centers, the outlet reported.
Influencer Who Advised Illegal Migrants to Steal Americans’ Homes Is on the Run From Immigration Authorities: REPORT
- . . . the outbreak makes Chicago "just like any other third-world city."
Measles Returns to Chicago, and You'll Never Guess Where
- "Should that be the case?"
Precedent-Setting Ruling Allows Illegal Immigrants With Criminal History to Own Guns
- "In the letter obtained by the Caller, Bobulniski demanded that [diseased vermin Dan] Goldman remove the post and publicly retract the statement within five days or face a defamation suit."
Tony Bobulinski Accuses Dem Rep of "Defamatory" Statements, Threatens Legal Action
- Although the DA said her office was making another production on Monday as part of that “ongoing process,” she claimed Jordan’s “extensive” demands that cover several years for records in less than two months are “unreasonable and uncustomary.”
Crooked, Moral Pygmy Fani Willis Responds to Jordan’s Demand for Docs After Contempt Threat
- "Susan Rosenberg is one of the country's most notorious domestic terrorists. She landed on the FBI's
'Most Wanted' list at age 29 and served in a women-led communist group that bombed the U.S. Senate chamber in 1983. Now, more than two decades after her controversial release from prison, she serves on the advisory board of an anti-prison group alongside embattled judicial nominee Adeel Mangi."
Ties Emerge Between Embattled Biden Judicial Nominee Adeel Mangi and Domestic Terrorist
- "Think of the 'Orkin Man,' but for squatters . . . 'We offer fast and effective squatter removal and prevention services throughout Southern California. Our job is to save our customers from all of the wasted time, money, stress, and headaches that come from squatters overtaking your property.'"
'Squatter Squad' Engage! Group Helps Home Owners Kick Out Freeloaders
- "I don't know why they hate us so much." (Start following this site and you'll get educated fast - jjs)
Gold Star Father Arrested At SOTU Tells Tucker Biden ‘Never’ Contacted Him
- ". . . this was also a calculated move to interfere in the 2024 election — a preemptive move, a dog whistle to Republican operatives that if they criticize the media or argue against a precious media narrative, they will not be employable in the sweet, sweet world of cable news contributors. In other words, Chuck Todd and the rest are hoping the New Blacklist Rules will sabotage the effectiveness of Trump campaign staffers. However much you hate the corporate media, I promise it is not enough."
Ronna McDaniel Considers Defamation Suit Against Far-Left NBC
- Daniel Greenfield: "The real story of how NBC News became a leftist enclave under the King of Hate Media."
NBC News Has Room for Sharpton, But Not for Republicans and Ronna McDaniel
- David Harsanyi: "Even within the normal mendacious parameters of being a White House press secretary, she excelled. . . no doubt, McDaniel lied for political expediency, as well. But let’s face it, she is a mere piker next to Psaki."
Jen "Piss-Hockey" Psaki Lies About Lying
- "Canceling even milquetoast figures won’t make conservatives feel more heard." (Milquetoast = RINO fraud - jjs)
Deplatforming Ronna McDaniel Won’t Deradicalize Anyone
- Miranda Devine: "They lecture everyone else about the evil of bullying and impose disastrous 'anti-bullying' measures on schools only because they want to reserve this instrument of social control for themselves. When they attack a defenseless person in mob fashion, mock them, denigrate them, punch them in the face and then kick them while they’re down, it’s not bullying."
Ronna McDaniel’s NBC News Firing is Must-See TV That Proves Leftist Media Set Rules They Never Follow
- "Biden family scandals – and willful blindness."
Media Go AWOL on Holding the Bidens Accountable
- "Key had 'racist views,' the paper said."
WaPo Wastes No Time Slamming Francis Scott Key Again After Namesake Baltimore Bridge Destroyed
- Several lawmakers on Capitol Hill have criticized the DHS program. Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC) called the comic books another avenue for the government to “trample on the First Amendment” and label any dissident as ‘disinformation.’ Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) joked earlier this year, “D.C. Comics won’t be adding these taxpayer-funded comic books… to their repertoire anytime soon.”
Biden’s DHS Using Taxpayer-Funded Comic Books to Fight Perceived Election "Disinformation"
- "US unemployment rate increased to two-year high in February."
Chlamydia Kamala Touts Creation of Hundreds of Thousands of Jobs—In Central America
- "While corporate media outlets, climate activists and Democrats have boosted the study’s findings, the forces related to climate change that are likely to drive persistent inflation are massive government taxation, spending and regulation pushed by policymakers to fight climate change, according to economists who spoke with the Daily Caller News Foundation."
Dems, Media [pardon the redundancy] Push New Study Linking Climate Change To Inflation, But Economists Aren’t Buying It
- DOE has committed to giving Holtec, a New Jersey-based energy company, a $1.5 billion loan to renovate the Palisades Nuclear Plant in Covert Township, Michigan, according to a press release from the department. The DOE says the plant, after being renovated, will “produce baseload clean power until at least 2051,” but that it would need to request a license renewal as its current certification only covers the facility through 2031.
Biden Junta Approves Massive Loan To Reopen Nuke Plant That Might Close Again Within Years
- Steel is a building block of modern society and the modern military. The environmentalist Left is ridding the U.S. of it at a time when America's strategic rivals, Russia and China, are both ramping up their wartime industries. It's time to stop the Greens' war on steel before it defeats us in an actual war.
The "Green" Jihad vs. U.S. Steel
- "One more solar power failure."
"Climate Change" and Solar Fields Don't Mix
- "With small-town dramas like this, anything is possible."
Woman Who Wrote a Book on Grief After Husband Died Now Charged With His Murder (Isn't this really the story of Democrat-Leftist words vs deeds? - jjs)
- "New York leaders keep searching for the 'root cause' of crime—they should look in the mirror."
Enough Already
- "Amid more deadly disorder in New York City, young women are being randomly punched in the face."
Not Safe to Walk the Streets
- "Meanwhile, in this county, there is a continued decline in share of adults with up-to-date vaccination."
European Groups Link Moderna’s Covid Vaccine to Chronic Hives
- "It was a life-or-death distinction to make for many, and was conspicuously avoided by 'public health experts.'”
Why Were Americans Not Informed of the Difference Between FDA-Approved and Emergency Use Authorization?
- John Lott & Rep. Thom Massie: "A Democrat-controlled Congress authorized the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] to give grants to states that have red flag laws, but never was he authorized to establish a federal red flag center."
Biden’s Federal ‘Red Flag’ Center Defies The Constitution In More Ways Than One
- "Farmer was arrested on Friday at a condo he owns near the university, across from the main entrance of campus." (When pedophiles become the next Rosa Parks/Jackie Robinson, this fiend will be on a postage stamp - jjs)
Police: Princeton Volunteer and LGBT Activist Possessed Child Pornography
- "Websites advertise foreign abortion pills to abortion-seeking women across the country, no matter what local laws say."
How a Leftist Network of Websites Floods Red States With Abortion Pills With No Consequences
- "Democrats cannot fully hide the horrible reality of abortion, even from themselves."
Democrats Lie About Late-Term Abortion To Make Themselves Feel Better
- "Connecticut Secretary of State Stephanie Thomas (D) is asking the State Elections Enforcement Commission (SEEC) to investigate allegations of ballot stuffing and voter fraud in the city of Bridgeport’s mayoral election. If the commission concludes that fraud did sway the results, this will be the second time such a determination has been made in less than a year."
Fresh Evidence of Ballot Stuffing, Voter Fraud May Lead to THIRD Attempt to Elect Mayor
- "A Peach State elections watchdog believes a package of transparency and ballot security provisions would be huge election integrity wins."
Georgia Legislature Tackles Key Election Integrity Measures Before Session Ends
- Judge further alleged that operatives and Democrat allies pushed him to change his story and sink Brett Kavanaugh with the promise that he would be considered a “hero” if he confirmed Christine Blasey Ford’s story.
Mark Judge: Democrats Used ‘Extortion and Direct Threats’ to Pressure Me in Destroying Brett Kavanaugh
- "His chances of victory will heavily rely on the use of the dark money that he routinely decries, including donations from corporate PACS."
Jon Tester Won a Prize for Fighting Dark Money. He’s Been Relying on It for Years.
- "Perhaps she hopes it will distract from the scandal growing around her prominent and expensive role in Tina Kotek’s administration."
Oregon Gov's Lezbo Partner Claims to Be a Mentally Ill Alcoholic
- “Like, he was so amazing. It was amazing. Um, and I think, like, I could have a relationship with him even after I leave, especially if I’m like a professional that’s like relevant to him in some way, like, I do think I could maintain that relationship.” (Like, what a like, total, like, crock of like bull like shit, like - jjs)
Video Emerges of Cuomo Sexual Assault Accuser Praising Ex-Gov
- "The reversal of fortune Trump pulled off a generation ago shows what he is capable of. But this time the stakes are considerably higher. If he wins, Trump will be more than a president. He will be a legend."
Trump Could Pull Off The Greatest Political Comeback In American History
- Robert Spencer: "Biden has just built on the damage Obama did. . . So it's no surprise that Obama would want to make sure that Biden continues to pretend to be president until he is a sprightly 86 years old: Biden’s legacy is Obama’s legacy. The two are forever intertwined in history. And, unfortunately, in American public life."
Obama Has "Grave Concern" Biden Will Lose, Is Ready to Intervene
- "General rule of politics: Whichever candidate is complaining about the third-party candidate is losing."
RFK Jr.: It’s Biden Who Has To Worry, Not Trump
- "The left-leaning Californian will give the Kennedy scion a fiscal boost."
Nicole Shanahan: RFK Jr.’s Unconventional Pick for Vice President
- "Nicole Shanahan appeals to the disaffected, West Coast–style leftist voters who feel lost in the Democrat Party." (Between the illegal alien invasion, the anti-Semitism and destruction of our economy, what Lefty is lost? Author is also a never-Trumper - jjs)
With VP Pick, RFK Jr. Is Gunning for the Democrats
- "The theme was consistent: Kennedy is a spoiler. Polls show that he takes support from both Trump and Biden, but mostly from Biden — and I suspect that Kennedy will pull even less from Trump going forward." (With that psycho lefty veep pick, that's for sure - jjs)
DNC Goes Into Full Panic Mode About Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Presidential Bid
- "Nicole Shanahan, famous for…um…well…you know, Nicole Shanahan! She did…um…that is…"
Nicole WHO?
- "His voters are showing up; Biden’s are not."
Trump’s Three-Peat Foretells Nationwide Victory
- "While the poll offers a degree of hope for Biden’s re-election campaign, it remains to be seen if the tightening in the presidential race is a sustained trend or if the poll is just an outlier. The Biden campaign’s improved position — in part — has been fueled by increased voter confidence in the state of the U.S. economy, according to the data. All three northern swing states have also seen a significant increase in campaign spending by the Biden campaign."
DATA: Joe Biden is Gaining Ground in Swing States
- "The Biden [junta] has faced a tangible problem – the level of support for the democratic president among minorities is steadily decreasing."
Biden Losing Minorities
- A January Rassmussen poll suggests that most American voters agree with Donald Trump’s assertions that Obama is the real power behind the throne in the Biden government. The poll indicated that 53 percent of respondents concurred with the statement that Biden is “a puppet for a progressive left committee… headed by Obama.”
REPORT: Obama Makes ‘Regular Calls’ to Biden, His Chief of Staff, and Other Top Officials
- "Gordon Sondland served as the U.S. Ambassador to the European Union from 2018 to 2020 and testified against Trump before the House of Representatives Select Committee on Intelligence in 2019, claiming that Trump sought to withhold foreign military aid to Ukraine unless it launched an investigation into then-former Vice President Joe Biden regarding his son’s business dealings in the country; Biden was running against Trump for the presidency at the time of the impeachment hearing."
Key Witness From Trump Impeachment Registers as Foreign Agent of Ukraine
- "We’re grossly unprepared for such a war."
Why Are So Many Pushing for America to Have a Hot War with Russia?
- "Is Iran’s Supreme Leader right?"
Khamenei: US "Left With No Option But to Withdraw From the Region"
- "Milei has made strides toward pushing back the left—but is his time running out?"
One Hundred Days of Libertarian Populism in Argentina
- Russian authorities have claimed that Gershkovich had been attempting "to obtain secret information" on "the activities of one of the enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex."
Evan Gershkovich's detention in Russia extended over espionage allegations
- "His new, costly pro-women health initiative makes no sense when you consider that Democrats have erased the differences between men and women."
Biden’s Wasting Valuable Medical Research Dollars
- "The work was divided into 134 one-square-kilometre areas, so that the [80-person] team could fully cover the estimated landing area."
Scientists release detailed geological map of the landing site for Europe’s Franklin rover
- "Astronomers have now produced the first detailed image of polarized light surrounding the Milky Way’s central supermassive black hole, dubbed Sagittarius A* (pronounced “Sagittarius A-star”) which in turn maps out the spiraling field lines of that black hole’s magnetic field."
The spiraling magnetic field surrounding the Milky Way’s central supermassive black hole
- "Apart from its mission to protect the United States from dangerous foreign actors, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has seemingly pledged its allegiance to another cause — gender ideology."
Book by Top Trump Intel Official Cliff Sims Exposes Trans Propaganda Inside CIA
- "Let's hear it for the. . . girls?"
Trans' Weightlifter Takes Top Spot In Women's Event, Shocking No One
- "Imposters betraying women."
Potemkin Feminism
- "As I write this, Disney is in more reputational trouble than at any time in its history, so Iger probably figured it was time to fly the white flag of surrender so he can better concentrate on saving his job."
Far-Left Disney Surrenders to DeSantis – Withdraws Reedy Creek Lawsuit
- The billionaire is employing this same strategy with Disney and is in a battle with CEO Bob Iger for more control of the company. As an investor, he wants to see Disney turn a profit, especially through an iconic brand like Marvel. But those movies have struggled to appeal to audiences in recent memory, and Peltz believes it has to do with Marvel incorporating wokeness in its films.
Not So Marvelous: Major Investor Nelson Peltz Wants Less 'Woke' Marvel Movies
- "Bob Zimmerman’s excellent space and aerospace website Behind the Black has followed the story since it occurred. While his work on the Internet and radio focuses on space exploration and innovation he sums up the story very aptly. . . 'What must happen now is that more pro-life students should show up at Air & Space, wearing similar pro-life clothing, and dare anyone to challenge them. You only keep your freedom if you exercise it, without fear.'”
Money Talks and the Smithsonian Walks in Pro-Life Discrimination Case
- "Jon Stewart has used his return to The Daily Show to bolster [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden’s re-election bid, including downplaying the seriousness of crimes committed by illegal aliens. He even backtracked his earlier belief that Biden is too old to be president."
Report: Jon Stewart Found to Have Overvalued New York Home After Accusing Trump of ‘Lying’ About Property Values
- Christian Toto: "Former ESPN star gets to speak her mind at last, free of Disney control."
Bill Maher Uncancels Sage Steele for Club Random Network
- "Liu should be applauded for having the intellectual honesty to insert both ideas he might personally favor, and contrary or skeptical notions, into his massive tale. The Three Body Problem and its Netflix adaptation are only the beginning of a trilogy, continued in The Dark Forest and concluded with Death’s End."
Three Body Problem Has Something to Annoy Everyone, From Communists to Climate Cultists
- "The future of the post-Christian West isn’t some secular liberal utopia, it’s a pagan empire in which might makes right."
America’s Stunning Embrace of Paganism Signals the End of This Country as We Know It
- "Our self-inflicted weakness, which is of a moral rather than material nature, exposes us to a determined enemy."
The Third Fall of Rome
- "2,000-year-old teachings get traded-in for 'climate change.'"
The Woke Shakedown of the Catholic Church
- "Lieberman was Al Gore’s vice presidential pick in the 2000 election and served four terms in the United States Senate. He was the first Jewish candidate on the ticket for any major political party in America, and ran for the Democrat Party nomination for President in 2004, ultimately losing to John Kerry."
Ex U.S. Senator, ‘No Labels’ Chairman Joe Lieberman Dead at 82.
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:51 AM
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