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March 28, 2024
As Squatting Epidemic Turns Lethal in Blue Jurisdictions, DeSantis Signs a Bill Ending All "Squatters Rights" in Florida, Period
The Bee:
The left is denying that squatting -- drug-abusing unemployed no-accounts moving themselves into your house, and then calling the cops on you when you attempt to remove them -- is no big deal at all.
Judd Legum
10. And the squatting hysteria is a distraction from the actual housing crisis, which a lack of affordable homes.
These people are drug-addicted layabouts. They have no income, except what they get from stealing law-abiding citizens' property.
When you say there's a "lack of afforable homes," of course you mean a lack of free homes.
There are a lot of cheap digs. These people do not want to work. They want to steal entire homes from people who do work.
John Stossell reports that this epidemic was caused by blue cities passing "tenant protection" laws that forbade property owners from evicting them even if they failed to pay rent for years and years. This law also empowered squatters to just break into homes and declare that they, too, were non-rent-paying tenants with a right to permanently occupy other people's homes.
The situation is so bad in California that vigilante squatter-eviction squads have formed to kick the squatters out. Technically these people are breaking the law, because California law says the squatters are the rightful occupants of the homes they squat in.
Hey Keith Ellison -- maybe we should go after the real criminals, the actual owners of the homes who make their homes too tempting not to steal.
Oh yeah -- that's exactly what blue cities are doing already.
Squatters were occupying a NYC apartment. The actual owner came to the apartment to clean it up.
The squatters beat her to death.
Recently, Nadia Vitel, a 52-year-old woman from Spain, traveled to NYC to clean out her late mother's apartment. She found squatters in her mother's home and they beat Vitel to death.
Remember, this is just "hysteria."
Ron DeSantis, who you might have noticed is one hell of a problem-solver ("More of a problem-eliminator," as James Bond said), decided that the squatter outbreaks of LA and NYC would not be coming to Florida.
He just ended "squatter's rights" in the state of Florida.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs bill eliminating squatters' rights in the state
In this video, DeSantis says that illegal aliens are posting videos telling other criminals how to steal someone's property and legally take it over.
Once again, he's not lying. The same Illegal Alien Influencer who said he had not snuck across the border to work, but to go on a permanent vacation -- on the backs of US taxpayers paying welfare for his infant anchor-baby daughter, who he called his "gold mine" -- is now advising illegal aliens in how to execute legal home invasions.
Although this filthy freeloading criminal is now officially an "absconder" from INS, no one is trying to arrest him and deport him:
Moreno was waved into the United States, given papers and a place to stay, provided food stamps and a monthly stipend, and begged on the street, making $1000/day. At least that is what he claims.
He is listed as an "absconder," but despite posting videos that show exactly where he is, nobody is interested in finding and deporting him. Instead, he is allowed to give instructions to migrants on how to steal homes from Americans.
Christopher F. Rufo
It's worth stating the obvious: Conservatives identified a legitimate problem--squatters depriving homeowners of their fundamental right to property--and DeSantis immediately solved it. No fanfare, no bloviating, no fundraising emails. Just: "Problem solved. Next up."

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
12:02 PM
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