Forgotten 80s Mystery ClickI see the problem start
I watch the tension grow
I see you keeping it to yourself
And then instead of reaching conclusions
I see you reaching for something else

Podcast: CBD and J.J. Sefton babble on about the tempest in a teapot that is the Goldberg files, the economy, including tariffs, that is improving, deportations are lovely, Crockett2028, the deep state hanging on like leeches, and more!
I feel bad about this but I'm going to have to post about Rachel Zegler again...
Masih Alinejad "Where are @AOC, @IlhanMN, the left-wing activists who called me an Islamophobe, and the campus protesters chanting "I am Hamas"? The killers sent by the Islamic Republic to assassinate a woman on US soil were convicted in federal court, You're silent. Why?" [CBD]

Podcast: CBD and J.J. Sefton discuss the pending Ukraine ceasefire, Israel going back into Gaza, should President Trump simply ignore the courts, Roberts is a crap Chief Justice, violence directed at Tesla (and others) by the left, and more!
Black Conservative Perspective has a hot take on the Harry Sisson "cancellation" -- he thinks it's all a psyopHe thinks Democrats trying to portray the very femmy Sisson as
straight to appeal to the young straight male voters Democrats need, despite widespread belief that he's as gay as a peacock at high tea. He thinks they've arranged for female Democrats to accuse him of Toxic Masculinity and Absolutely RECKING That Poon.
This is a silly theory, except for when you remember that literally every single messaging offensive by the Democrat Party is 1 fake and 2 gay
The Ivy Exodus "As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap." "Jewish" academics rejected their religion and culture long ago, and chose instead to worship progressivism. And they are paying for it! It would take a heart of stone not to laugh! [CBD]

Podcast: CBD and J.J. Sefton dig into the Ukraine cease fire, the Z-man bending the knee to Trump, deporting a Hamas cheerleader from Columbia University, Taxing the rich by taxing endowments, egg prices, tariffs, and more!