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Cutting The Cord And Email Security
Moron Meet-Ups
How to Drive Fast on Drugs While Getting Your Wing-Wang Squeezed and Not Spill Your Drink
What About Bob? Deceiver Uses Google to Find Stuff Out About Guy Who Rented Hotel Rooms for Rielle and Johnny
Hyuck, Hyuck: Obama Campaign Easily Feeds "McCain Racist Miscegenation" Storyline to NYT
Rielle Hunter's Love-Bastard's Birth Certificate Lists No Father
Obama's, and His Media Spirit Squad's, Top Ten Forbidden Racial Codewords
Awesome: Andrea Mitchell Screams "Leave Barack Alone!"
Slublog's Racist Attack on Obama
Water on Mars Confirmed
Good RNC Ad
Quote of the Day
Man Beheaded on Greyhound Bus By Seatmate
Leave Barack Obama Alone!
How Dumb Does Obama Think You Are? Very, Very Dumb
McCain Mushy On Taxes
Bush: Iraq Tours Cut Back To 12 Months, More Troops Likely To Be Brought Home
Top Headline Comments 07-31-08
The Thing Remade, Starring G.I. Joe Action Figures
Bradley Effect: Barack Obama Just Can't Get Past the Fact that the Democratic Candidate is Black
More of Obama's Energy Plan
Barack Obama's Cabinet? Like the Legion of Doom, Minus the Blazing Intellects
Medical Marvels? Docs Say AIDS, Alzheimer's Beaten
The audacity of fraud - Wexler isn't really a FL resident
Obama's Math on Tire Inflation Ever So Slightly Overinflated
Interesting Question: Does Google's Street-View Feature Violate People's Privacy When Private Homes are Photographed?
Obama Reveals Cutting-Edge, Forward-Thinking Energy Plan: Make Sure Your Tires are Properly Inflated!
Wednesday Warporn
Repeat Business Gives Dark Knight an Outside Chance to Beat Titanic Box Office Plus My Obligatory Overlong, Overly Critical Review
Michelle Obama: I Could Be "Very Competent" Deciding American Policy Putting in Only a "70 Percent" Effort
New Enquirer Allegation: Edwards Funnelling Reille Hunter $15,000 a Month in Hush Money through Wealthy Politico Pal
New McCain Ad: Obama Is A Skanky Blonde Bimbo
Top Headline Comments 07-30-08
Obama Arrogant?
Progress In Iraq Is Tasty…There’s A KFC In Fallujiah
A Lot of Political Derangement Going On Out There
The Nuanced Left
Top Al Qaeda Bio/Chem Weapons Expert Joins Sam's Club and Also Flesh-Decomposing Bacteria's Club, But Mostly Flesh-Decomposing Bacteria's Club
Knoxville Church Shooter "Hated Liberals," Read Hannity, Coulter, and O'Reilly
Rush Limbaugh May Buy St. Louis Rams
BREAKING: Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) Indicted
GOP Ready to Link Obama to Reid and Pelosi over Offshore Drilling
Top Headline Comments 07-29-08
NYC Cop Recorded Knocking "Critical Mass" Biker On His Ass
Jon Voight Hates Hippies
Newsday Journalist Annoyed that Black Reporters Can't Openly Show Wild Support for Obama, Given that the Rest of the (White) Media "Completely Adores" McCain and Has Been "Writing Favorable Stories About Bush for Eight Years"
Frank Rich: press gives "free passes" to McCain
Surprise (Outlier) Poll: McCain Actually Leads Obama by 4, Among Likely Voters
McCain Flip-Flops on Increasing Payroll Taxes
Islamist Terrorists and Their Bastard Lawyers Smear "Relentless" Prosecutor for Doing His Damn Job
Robert Novak Has Brain Tumor
Caught With Extensive Tunnels for Smuggling Weapons, Gazans Claim Tunnelss Are Only Used to Smuggle... Milk for Impoverished Children
"Extreme Makeover" Houses Faces Foreclosure
CNN Report on Japan's "Elder Porn"
Six Suspected Taliban Killed in Pakistan by Subsyndromal Symptomatic Depression, Audacity of Predator-Launched Hellfire Missiles, but Mostly Audacity of Predator-Launched Hellfire Missiles UPDATED
Top Headline Comments 07-28-08
Damn. Suicide Bomb Attacks In Iraq Kill Over 50 Wound Over 200
Peaceful Bicycle Advocacy Group Attempts to Persuade a Motorist to Abandon His Gas-Guzzling Ways (genghis)
Oxford: genetic variation tips off statin drug side effects
Surprise: AP's Analysis That We're Winning the War Embargoed By All But 206 Outlets, Including NYT and LAT
Really Bad Cellphone Bootleg of Tron 2.0 Video
My Run In With Peaceful Protesters. [dri]
McCain Ad Hits Obama Over Blowing Off Troops
A Response to the NY Times' "Blogging's Glass Ceiling"
L.A. Times is Circling the Drain
If It's Saturday, the Least-Read News Day of the Week, It Must Be Time for AP to Admit the Surge Has Worked Spectacularly
Federal Judge Tosses Savage's Lawsuit
Obama Addresses Reason For Skipping Visit With Wounded Troops In Germany
TNR: press "certainly helped" Obama
WaPo bashes do-nothing dems on drilling vote suppression
McCain's 16-Month Timetable Goal
Britain To Design Streets to Be Safer... For Drunks
Randy Pausch of "Last Lecture" Fame Dies at 47 of Pancreatic Cancer
In the Tank and On Her Knees: German Reportette Just Giddy To See Obama Actually Managing to Do Arm Curls
Obama: I Support Our Troops, Assuming There Are Press Photographers to Document My Support
McCain Takes the Bark off Barack And PS, Barack Obama is an Inveterate Liar
Christiana Amanapour Asks Sarkozy, "Do You Feel Awkward Praising Barack Obama When Just a Few Years Ago You Called French Rioters 'Scum'?"
McCain: If We Get Bin Laden A Nuremberg Type Trial Would Be Okay
Thug-4-Life Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick (Party Affiliation: Unknown) Ordered to Pay $7,500 on Bond to Remain Free After Assaulting Police Officers and Insulting Them Racially
Gleen Grenwald Takes Sock-Puppeting to New Heights
Bin Ladin's Driver/Aid Hamdan Tells Court: I Wasn't Read My Miranda Rights!
Friday Frivolity
Barack Obama = Bil Braskey?
US Iraq Death Toll in July? Four But See Correction At End
CONFIRMED: FoxNews Confirms National Enquirer Story; Hotel Guard Confirms Edwards Was There, "White Faced," as Reporters Hounded Him; Former Edwards Staffer Says He's Unsurprised to Find Out Edwards was Visiting Rielle Hunter
Texas Roll 'Em: Dude Arrested at Legal Casino for Making Improper Bet
Bush or Batman?
Democratic Energy Bill Defeated; Republicans Show Some Stones
Top Headline Comments 07-25-08
The Deciders: LAT bans blog talk of Edwards/Hunter scandal
Ohio Democrat Congressional Candidate Promises Hope, Change, Doppelgänger
Did Obama Snub Troops Becuase He Couldn't Bring Reporters Along?
Just Hours After Obama's " Non-Political" Political Rally in Germany, His Campaign Finance Director Sends Out Solicitations for Donations, Citing His Non-Political Political Rally
Sabotage Detonates Explosives in Military Convoy, Killing 15 in Iraq Iran
Hope! Change! Bike Helmet!
Islamist Thugs: We're Going to Man-Rape the Boy-Love Out of You
Can You Tell the Difference Between the Gauzy Platitudes in We Are the World and the Gauzy Platitudes in Barack Obama's Sieg Speech?
Bush Needs to Take a Page From Truman
Claim: Press Growing Angry At Obama's High-Handed Strong-Arming Stone-Walling
Obama's Big Stupid Nazi Rally: Not Just a Citizen of the US, But a "Citizen of the World"
Obama Cancels Meeting With Troops In Germany
Dork Attempts Mixing Three Dorkiest Things in the Universe; Winds Up Making Some Really Cool Shit
Senate Republicans Threaten to Block and Filibuster All Business Until Drilling Restrictions are Removed
National Enquirer Edwards Reporter on How He Scooped the Entire MSM -- "It was easy"
Mystery Solved: Why Did the FARC Terrorists Trust the Disguised Colombian Commandos So Completely?
The Media's Herd Mentality, Easily Spooked into a Stampede
Wes Clark: Surge Didn't Stabilize Iraq; All Credit Belongs to Saudi Arabia and, um, Iran
A Deafening Silence from Leftwing Bloggers as Obama Says He'll Keep Troops in Iraq, and Maybe Invade 180 Million Strong Pakistan While He's At It
Baffled USAToday Asks: "Why Can't Obama Admit the Obvious? The Surge Worked"
Top Headline Comments 07-24-08
Obama's Working On Election Transition Strategy
Obama and McCain mailing it in.
Enjoying Skyrocketing Demand, NYT Raises Price of Copy a Quarter Up to $1.50
Stay Classy, Nutroots: Denver Firefighters Say They've Found Store of Urine , for Throwing at Cops at DNC Convention
30,000 Iraqi Troops Mass To Surge Into Diyala
Quote of the Day
For First Time Since 2004, Majority of Americans Think We're Winning the War on Terror
The Thirty Five Biggest Cities in America, Ranked from Least Free to Most Free
Obama Doesn't Even Know Which Committees He's On
Man Nearly Breaks "The Four-Minute Mile of Binge Drinking"
Kaus Does a Victory Lap
Illegal Alien Affirmatively Protected from Prosecution by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom Goes on to Open a Popular Flower Shop and Contribute to His Community as a Taxpayer and Good Citizen
Bigger Impact?
Good Point: Without Even Noting Our Victory, Media Has Gone From Claim "War Cannot Be Won" to "War Cannot Be Lost "
Bob Novak Runs over Pedestrian, Then Flees
More Politics for Dorks
Good News: Jack Murtha's Challenger, Desert Storm Vet Lt. Col. William Russel, Raises $670,000 to the Pork-King's $119,000 in Second Quarter
Washington Post Rips Obama on Iraq Deceptions
House Subcommittee Reconsiders "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
NASA Scientist: 70% of Observed Global Warming Due to Natural Oscillations of Pacific Ocean
Highest Ranking Taliban in Helmand Province Surrenders to Hot Retro Trend of Wearing Spats and Pakistan Forces, But Mostly Pakistan Forces
Feds Ride to the Rescue of Incompetent Bullies
Top Headline Comments 07-23-08
New York Times Profits Drop 82%
Coming Soon: Gas Stamps (genghis)
Chavez Arrives in Russia With Shopping List
'Caprica' Trailer Out [OregonMuse]
Obama: Surge Was a "Bad Strategy," I Have No Idea What Would Have Happened if We'd Followed My Strategy (and I Don't Really Care to Think About It), and Oh, By the Way, It Was Really My Call for Political Reconciliation That Reduced Violence
Denver Lets DNC Convention Committee Avoid Paying Gas Taxes
Breaking: Jonathan Alter is a Stupid Fuck
Taliban Leadership Shattered By Obama's Leaving Afghanistan And British Military Raids But Mostly British Raids
Heather Wilson: McCain Wants the Troops Out in Less Than Sixteen Months, if Possible
Another Slushop
McCain Goes There: "I would rather lose an election than lose a war. My opponent would rather lose a war than a political campaign."
In Case You Weren't Getting the Media's Message...
Michael Savage: 99% of Autistic Children Really Just Brats Faking It
John McCain Ad: Hey, Have You Noticed the Media Has Taken a Shine to Obama?
Blog Report: MyManMitt Claims Romney Has Been Selected as McCain's Veep Candidate
Batman Arrested
Top Headline Comments 07-22-08
Brits Score Important Victory Against Terror At Home
Arrogant Gaffe Machine Strikes Again
Captain Bullshit...If I Hadn't Been Wrong, I'd Have Been Right
Obama to Be Guarded By Terrorists While in Ramallah
Oh, Dear: Man Threatens to Leap to Death, from Nearby Barack Obama's Office
Louisiana Files for Rehearing in Kennedy v. Louisiana
Evil Mom Update: Tossed in Jail For Not Reporting Child's Disappearance; Her Own Mother Pleads for Her Release, on Theory She'll Help Find the Real Kidnappers
Q: How Come Obama's Walking Around an Iraqi Airfield Without Body Armor?
Novak: McCain Will Announce VP This Week
Hollywood Might Do Movie Based on Book by... Mary Mapes
Big Fat Floppy Justice: Woman Gets $60,000 for Having Huge Cans
Like Miniskirts, Spitting on Veterans Never Really Goes Out of Style
Grim: "The Global Economy is at the Point of Maximum Danger"
Oh Boy: Statistical Underpinning of DNA Matching Entirely Flawed?
Iranian Special Forces Practice Rapid Deployment, Physical Comedy
Disordered Leftist Comment of the Day: Dana Goldstein on Real Estate
Genuine Shock: New York Times Runs Obama Editorial, Refuses to Run McCain's
Federal Court Tosses CBS' "Wardrobe Malfunction" Fine, Calling It Arbitrary and Capricious
Rip-The-Blog Monday
That Kool-Aid Must Be Pretty Dang Tasty
McCain and Obama Agree to Joint Appearance...Where They Don't Have to Talk to Each Other
The Details are Everything...
Obama Plans To Be President For "The Next 8 To 10 Years"
The Eagle Landed 39 Years Ago Today
"Give me a second. I gotta go kill these guys first."
AGW treacherously hides evidence of itself
MSM tales of Iraqi cannibalism vastly overstated
Internal Disagreement at APS
Dems Still Considering Gas Tax Increase
When a Naked Man Comes Out of the Lav on Your Flight, Try Reasoning With Him First
Afghanistan Basks In Obama's Presence
Spirit of 94: A Call To Arms
Summer Reading [Vinnie]
Dinosaur Game Time-Waster
Practical Development For The Third World From MIT (Chad)
Explosive Video Of Giant Penis Disrupting Graduation Ceremony [Nice Deb]
Open Blog
+2 Dagger. Frost Brand
NPR: For Some Ohioans Who've Never Worked a Day in Their Lives, the "Changing Economy" Has Put Even Meat out of their Purchasing Power
Help me pick a handgun
Bush, Maliki Agree to Vague "Timelines"
Have You Seen the Reviews for The Dark Knight?
It's One Of Those Fridays Again.
McCain Sorta Kinda Says Obama Just Might Be A Socialist
When Someone Asks You If You Are a God, You Say "YES!"
The JibJab Thing
Watchmen Trailer
Hippies Brutally Attack Hobo
Obamatronic Platitude Generator
More AP Stupid
Al Gore Proposes Trillion+ Tax Hike to "End" Use of Fossil Fuels for Electricity in Ten Years
Human Trebuchet
Cool Beans -- I Just Found Out I'm Six Foot Tall!
Oklahoma County Commissioner: Satan Endorses My Republican Opponents
Al Qaeda in Iraq Devastated By Emmy Snub of "The Wire" and Surge Tactics, But Mostly Surge Tactics
Offshore Oil Ban Expires September 30th, But "Will Amost Certainly Be Renewed" (?!?!?)
Obama Supports... Preemptive War ?
Global Warming Hoax is Slowly Coming Apart
Evil: Mother Fails To Report Missing Child For Five Weeks, Claiming She's Conducting "Her Own Investigation"
"Mosques Of America" Calenders Now For Sale...By The US Government
Media Bias? What Media Bias? All 3 Network Anchors To Follow Obama Trip. That's 3 More Than Followed McCain
3.9 MM Acres in Alaska Opened up For Drilling
Obama Fundraising Magic Not Dead Yet...$52 Million In June
President Threatens Veto of Next Year's Intelligence Budget
Where Are They Now? 6 Stars of Embarrassing Viral Videos and What's Happened Since
US, Afghan Troops Repel Attack from Taliban Invaders With 8:1 Advantage
Obama Vows To Rid the US of Nuclear Weapons
Chuck Schumer Suggests Novel Plan for Reducing Price of Oil: Drill More! (in... Saudi Arabia)
Merry Xmas/War is Over?
CNN Censors News to Bash Israel, Pimp Hamas
McCain At The NAACP Today
Help the Leftwing Comedy Writers Find the Funny in Obama
Consumer Prices Jump at Greatest Pace in 26 Years, Due to Increased Fuel Costs
More on that Jesse Jackson Tape: Barack Obama "Telling N*ggers How to Behave"
Eesh: Man Cuts off Own Head... With Chainsaw
Shocker: Late-Night Talk Show Writers Can't Find Anything Funny About Obama
Justice! 94 Year Old Man Won't Be Tried For Soliciting A Hooker
Israel Bargains With The Devil
California denies early release for Susan Atkins.
Joe Biden: Professional Idiot
AP: Shouldn't Americans Turn Down Thermostats, Stop Driving So Much, Get Sweaters Ready?
Don't You Wingnuts Care About This?!? It's Gay! (Updated)
Oil Falls $9.26 Per Barrel as Bush Champions Expanded Drilling in Speech
Obama: ICE Enforcement of Immigration Laws "Terrorizing" People
Lieberman Slaps Captain Bullshit Around On Iraq
Whoopsie! Captain Bullshit Misssed one "The Surge Has Failed" Statement on His Website
Damn: Brit Hume Stepping Down as Anchor at FoxNews
The British Children Are Our Future: War Memorial "Means Nothing to Me, I Guess It's For Some People Who Died in the War"
Shock: Success of the Surge Seemingly Puts Obama on the Defensive
Jose Canseco: Boxing is Waaay Harder Than Pitching
Fourth Circuit Mess: The Shape of Things to Come
IBD Poll: 73% Say Fuel Prices More Pressing Concern; Only 23% Say Global Warming
Food more unhealthy than Bacon? Get outta here!
Rejected New Yorker Cover
DC Resists Compliance with Heller Ruling
Pizza Clerk Clobbers Would Be Robbers
No Flip-Flop-Flip From McCain on DREAM Act
Obama Hopes No One Notices He's Changed His Website
Josh Hamilton Sets an HR Derby Record
Too Muslim for France
Reader's Corner: AoSHQ
Obama Was Bitter Before He Wasn't
AP Embeds With The Taliban And Promotes Murder
Hitchens: Fighting in Iraq vs. Fighting in Afghanistan and Zero Sum Stupidity
Ace Of Spades Lifestyle Vacation Spot: Zakynthos, Greece
Bush Lifts Executive Order Banning Offshore Drilling
Obama: ICE Agents Are Terrorizing Neighborhoods
Obama: 9/11 Attack The Result Of Attackers' "Fundamental Absence Of Empathy"
World Bank: biofuels causing food crisis
Rep. and House Energy Chairman Ed Markey: Somalia, Black Hawk Down Incident Caused by Global Warming
McCain's Uncertain Trumpet on Energy
9 US Soldiers Killed In Afghanistan Attack
BBC Bravely Depicts Religiously Movtivated Beheadings
Patterico Trashes the LA Times, In the LA Times
AP Eulogizes Tony Snow: "Not Always [In] Command of the Facts"
Gorbachev The Zombie Fighting Gladiator [dri]
Obambi to Sponsor a NASCAR Competitor?
From $41 mil to zero [Alice H]
Tony Snow, 1955-2008
Ninth Circuit: Strip Search of a Thirteen Year Old for Ibuprofen Violates Fourth Amendment. No, Really!
Massachusetts state energy policy finally clues up
Whole Iranian Missile Firing a Hoax?
Obama Spins on Demand that You "Need to Make Sure" Your Kids Learn Spanish
The Most Relentlessly Compelling Video You've Ever Seen
Man Sues Church for $2.5 Million For Filling Him With Too Much Holy Spirit
Building on Success of "Guitar Hero," Activision to Release Even Tougher Fingering Challenge -- Vagina Hero
"Flying IEDs" Maybe a Bit Overhyped by the WaPo
American Heart Association: "I Suggest You Start Drinking Heavily"
US Troops Capture Man Who May Be the Key to Deadly "Lob Bombs" or "Flying IEDs"
Rasmussen: 43-42
"Warrantless Domestic Spying" Results in 15 Innocent Civilians Being Forced By Government Thugs into Helicopters and Spirited Away
"inexperienced driver" cured of "inexperience" instantly
Father of the Year Award Conferred on First Ballot
Another Miserable Failure for Obama
Mini-Controversy: Should Fox Have Censored Jesse Jackson's "Cut His Nuts Out" Comment?
Hmmm...: Speculation About Israel Attack on Iran, Coming in Early September
Judges Matter, Part 196
RV vs. Bank
British "Gay Rights" Groups Protest Bristol's Trimming of Shrubberies, Complaining That Leaves Them Less Privacy For... Illegal Public Sex
Shock: NYT Blog Claims Credit For Fauxtography Story They Didn't Break
Phil Gramm: "Everything I Said, I Stand Behind"
Democrats Fumble for Escape hosta on Oil Production Ban
Female Teacher Rapes Learning-Disabled 15-Year-Old Boy, IQ 50
Make Your Own Obama Poster
McCain Throws Phil Gramm Under the Bus
Best record in baseball == Tampa
Someone will be sleeping with the fishes tonight...
Back to the Old Site?
Supefriends vs. "The Way of the Gun"
Obama's Bullshit on Bilingualism
Carbon nano tubes == cheap desalinization
Gay Obama Blogger Suing the Bible for Defamation
Again: 2007 Miss America Second Runner-Up in Embarrassing Pictures
Cause of Global Warming? Reduced Pollution
Obama "Forgets" to Ask Cultists to Donate to Hillary to Pay Down Her Debt
Alabama Investigates Democratic Voter Fraud
Unity Watch...Obama Forgets To Shill For Donations To Hillary
Today's Iranian Missiles P-Shopped UPDATED
"I Wanna Cut His Nuts Out"
Wilhelm Scream Compilation
The Most Awesomest Ladder Ever Sold
Jesse "The Mind" (Giggle) Ventura to Enter Coleman-Franken Senate Race
Female Privilege, Male Privilege
Jesse Jackson Trashes Obama in Colorful Language Believing Mic is Turned Off
More from The Artist Formerly Known as England: Schoolboys Punished for Refusing to Pray to Allah
New Orleans Police React Swiftly and Decisively to Egregious Rules-Breaker Within Their Midst
FISA Reform Passes; Obama Votes "Yes," Breaking His Promise
Has McCain Dropped His DisastrousCap And Trade Scheme? UPDATE: False Alarm
Boulder DA Clears Ramsey Family of Any Involvement in JonBenet's Death
Britain To Scrap Prison Terms for "Less Serious Offenses," Including Minor Mischief Like... Burglary
Shock: Ancient Crystal Skulls of Supernatural Creation Turn out Not So Ancient, and Created by Modern Jeweler's Tools
Months of Painstaking Diplomacy with Iran Finally Bears Sweet Fruit
Doctor: Do Not Lecture the Obese
Moqtada al-Sadr Scores Another Enormous Victory, This Time Winning the Love of Sadr City Residents For Bringing Their Slum to Vibrant Life
Lindsey Lohan's Girlfriend Buys Her $22,000 "Commitment Ring"
Obama: Make Sure Your Child Learns Spanish
Please Be Quiet, You're Embarrassing Obama
FISA Vote Begins Shortly; Last-minute Kabuki Expected to Fail
Networks May Cut Back Coverage of the Democratic Convention Owing to Venue Change
A Brief Rundown On Obambi's Most Recent Fibulations
Houston Man Fatally Stabbed for Smelly Feet
Term "Black Hole" Now Racially Insensitive
Top Ten War Movies
George W. Bush, Most Underrated Leader in Recent History
Making Your Own Fun
Another Day, Another Halo
Michael Bay's Rejected "Dark Knight" Script
Danish, British Islamaphobes Flee, Assault Muslim Neighbors Due to Nothing but Ignorance and Hate
Vigorously Knocking Wood, But One and Only One US Soldier Lost in Iraq the First Week of July
Obama's Flip-Flops =/= Kerry's
France Investigates Terrorist Threat Against... Porn
British Government Sources: Yes, Litvenenko Murder Was Russian State-Ordered Hit
Obama: Comprehensive Immigration Reform a Top Priority
RNC Ad: "Change That Works For Him"
New McCain Ad: That Obama Guy Is A Stinking Hippie!
How Much Have US Exports to Iran Really Risen?
War Powers and the Iraq War
Concerning Humps (genghis)
Global Warming Caused by Cement, Too
American Labor Unions: Cesar Chavez is Old School
FAQ: Do Reality-Show Contestants Come to the Show to Make Friends?
Science: World's Longest Duck-Dick Discovered
Recycled: Terrorists Claim Again That Missile Strike on Combatants Actually Hit "Wedding Party"
Webb Claims "Under No Circumstances" Will He Stand as Obama's VP
Feds: John Conyers' Wife May Have Taken Kickbacks for City Contract
Post-Modern Biathalon: Chessboxing
Iraq May Pass Schedule for Withdrawal of All US Troops
Day Care Workers Warned to Watch for Racist Toddlers Who Dislike Foreign Foods
July 4th Parade of Horribles
Right Wing, Racist Republicans The EU Set To Pass Tougher Immigration Laws
Texas Man Sentenced to 4,060 Years Imprisonment
One in Every Hundred Overseas War on Terror Detainees has a Criminal Arrest Record in the U.S.
Afghan Terror bombing at Indian Embassy [krakatoa]
John McCain, New Speech Coach
The Star Spangled Banner 82nd Airborne Division Style
AJ Strata: Yes, Obama's Birth Certificate is Real
A Supreme Do-Over on Kennedy v. Louisiana ?
RNC Releases 1st Pro-McCain Ad
Can You Keep A Secret? It Looks Like We're About To Win In Iraq
Secret U.S. Mission Hauls Uranium From Iraq (genghis)
Your Last Girlfriend's IMDB Entry
Obama Does a Backflip on Mental Health Abortions
Finally! Penis Reduction Pills [dri]
Obama "Puzzled" Over Flip-Flop Observations
Who's the Luckiest Man in Florida?
Open Blog
No Sympathy, Really
The 4th Of July
Video of Hostage Rescue
Happy Independence Day [dri]
Bestest 4th Parade Eveh
Right to Bear Arms Saves Family From Almost Certain Weirdness
World's Twenty Deadliest Plants
Joey FTW
See What This Does
Obama Abortion Flip-Floppery; NARAL Rode Hard and Put to Bed Wet
NYT: The 60's are finally over
The True Point of Independence Day: England Sucks
Claim: College Student Writing for Co-Ed Magazine Says He's Been Told McCain Has Chosen Romney as VP
Doctor Fingers Overlooked Aspect of Women's "Pelvic Fitness"
Cable News, Networks Oddly Reluctant to Report on Gruesomely Riveting Crime Update: Unverified Report
Obama: I'm Willing to "Refine My Policies" on Withdrawal After My Iraq Visit Updated, Bumped
Guess That Victim !
Neat: Charles Babbage's 1822 Design For World's First Computer Finally Built
Have a Happy 4th of July [dri]
Court: Google Must Turn Over YouTube Logging Database
Fold Up the Flags, We Must Atone
Another Justice Stevens Error Spotted
Der Spiegel: Iraq Progress "Astonishing"
LAT To Slash 150 Jobs, or 15% of its "News" Staff and "News" Pages
Alert: Jackie Mackey Paisley Passey Spotting
Sirius Radio Thing
Left Dislocates Collective Shoulder Patting Itself on the Back Once Again
Rays/Marlins -- its not a joke anymore
New Site Complaints, Suggestions Thread
Japanese Republican Neoconservatives (Jews, I'm Sure) Run Horrible Ad Smearing Barack Obama as Monkey
Crazed Gun Nut Kills One, Gravely Wounds Another in Subway-Restaurant Slaughterfest Shoot-'em-Up
33 Afghan "Rebels" Suffer Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Also Post-Traumatic Death Disorder, But Mostly Post-Traumatic Death Disorder
Yet Another Supreme Court Error
Justice Kennedy, Wrong on Facts, Wrong on Law
Nerd Battle: The Great Superhero Debate
Mustang Gets 110 MPG
Dig It!
Hitchens Gets Water Boarded
Obama Adviser Lake: Oh Yeah, About That Withdrawal -- Just Kiddin'
The future of War Porn: Shape-Shifting Killer Robots [krakatoa]
Barack Obama, Ghetto Lord
Heh: "Bullitt" Car Chase, Tracked Via Google Earth
Kos Says He's Holding Back Obamabucks Until Candidate Goes Back to "Good Behavior"
New Iraq Report Card: 15 of 18 Benchmarks "Satsifactory"
Michelle Obama's Resentments and Inferiority Complex
AP: Hezbollah's Training Shiite Militias -- Inside Iraq
Uh-Oh: "The Dark Knight" a September 11 Parable, Warning Against the Dangers of Terrorism Escalating the Cycle of Violence?
AMC Remakes "The Prisoner" as a Miniseries, Starring Jim Caviezel
For Second Month Running, Afghanistan Death Toll Exceeds Iraq's
Cool Facts About Charleton Heston, #1: He Had an Arsenal In His Basement Update: Nope, Not Heston's
Soaring Energy Prices: Women, Fake Hookers Hardest Hit
Eighth Prominent Democrat Denigrates McCain's Military Service
Policy Debate: Sex Offender Registration and Mandatory Life Sentences
And Flip-Flopped on Welfare Reform, Too
Obama Was For Gay Marriage Before He Was Against It Before He Was For It Again Widgets
Now Available!The Deplorable Gourmet A Horde-sourced Cookbook [All profits go to charity]
Top Headlines
Podcast: Sefton and CBD agree about Trump's silly $5k checks, Islam is an existential evil, Ukraine is a mess, and more!
I prefer the heat. I can always wear shorts and flip-flops if it gets hot. But when it's below freezing it's not like I can just put pants on. -- Disinterested FDA Director
fraudulent journalism at CBS : 60 Minutes interviewed two people who lost their jobs as a result of DOGE overhauling USAID. Kristina Drye & Adam Dubard emoted on behalf of thousands of USAID employees who have been terminated, but neither Kristina nor Adam was actually an employee of USAID. Clever word parsing and dishonest editing conveyed otherwise. [Buck]
The Spectator Index
BREAKING: Reuters reports that 'mass firings' of US government employees has begun
I just realized that Monday is President's Day. I'm going to work a half-day. I'll post stuff but probably on an 80-90 minute schedule, unless it's a big news day. This Drumpf character is wearing me out!!!
Podcast: CBD and J.J. Sefton are joined by Historian and pundit
Michael Walsh to discuss the new American psyche, Gaza, Men and Women and how they are different, and more!
Chuck Grassley
NEWS Sen Judic Cmte advanced Kash Patel's nomination to be FBI Dir 12-10
Senate floor vote comes next
Brooke Rollins was confirmed as SecAg by big margin, like 74-26 or something like that
If Trump pulls this off, he'll have an excellent chance to be snubbed for the Nobel Peace Prize! -- Posted by: Don Black
Joe Rogan:
Autism Capital
JOE ROGAN: "People are worried that Elon is going to steal everyone's money. He has $400B. Elon's not going to steal your money. That's not what he's doing. He's a super genius that has been f**ked with. When you've been f**ked with by these nitwits that hide behind 3-letter agencies, and you're dealing with one of the smartest people alive helping Donald Trump get into office and find out what corruption is really going on, you f**ked up.
You f**ked up and picked the wrong psychopath on the spectrum. He's going to hunt you down and find out what's going on, and that's good for everybody. That's how you should be looking at this, like 'Wow, we have a brilliant mind examining these really corrupt and goofy systems and bringing in a bunch of psychopath wizards."
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