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July 19, 2008
Spirit of 94: A Call To Arms
Superb new blog.
Spot-on column from members of The Lincoln Club Of Orange County:
The grumbling. The head shaking. The anger.
Congressional Republican leaders clearly have no idea what we, their fellow GOP members (and financial backers), say to one another when we get together, yet for years one refrain has been constant: our extreme discontent over how the former GOP majority blew it on spending.
The authors detail how Republicans have let us down on earmarks. And how they continue to exhibit that defeatist porker attitude that so enrages us.
It is not credible to ask the American people to return Republicans to the majority when all we offer them is the same group of leaders and policies they so recently rejected.
It's not just "branding," but the right policies which will breathe new life into the Republican Party and re-energize voters.
And one more thing: come November 5th, should the current GOP leadership in either house survive to lead in a new Congress, the Lincoln Club of Orange County will review its financial backing of all Congressional Republicans, and we urge others to do likewise. A GOP caucus that would re-elect such leaders is not one we would likely continue to support.
Because, simply put: we refuse to support a permanent minority.
Read the whole thing.
Outstanding. Perfect. Articulated in terms that even a Congresscritter can understand.
They're right, of course. When the party no longer represents the People, the ball is in our court. It's time to be a joiner. It's time to go grassroots.
If real Republicans are failing to enter and change the system, it's because We the People have failed to adequately support them.
It behooves us all to look for these people and elevate them, and to withhold our support for RINOs, and tell them why.
Spirit of 94 has a petition you can sign too, if you're into that sort of thing.
Thanks to Tom M.

posted by Laura. at
10:45 AM
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