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July 19, 2008
When a Naked Man Comes Out of the Lav on Your Flight, Try Reasoning With Him First
Flight from Boston to LA, so, you know. Things happen.
I've done that flight before man. I've been in the shit.
OKLAHOMA CITY An American Airlines flight from Boston to Los Angeles was diverted to Oklahoma City on Friday after a passenger stripped nude and later tried to open an emergency exit door before being subdued by members of a professional soccer team and others, the FBI said.
Members of the New England Revolution of Major League Soccer were among those who grabbed the passenger near an exit door, FBI spokesman Gary Johnson said. Tie wraps were placed on the man, whose name was not immediately released. He was taken into custody in Oklahoma City and placed under psychiatric evaluation, Johnson said.
They actually know how to deal with this sort of thing in Oklahoma, I'll give them that.
The soccer team's GM negotiated with the gentleman, something on the order of "you really should put your clothes back on". Early indications were promising, the dude did actually put his clothes back on. But then tried to open an emergency escape door.
At some point, you just have to say no. So the management team of the New England Revolution of Major League Soccer started thinking outside the box, subdued the crazy man and stopped that shit.
The flight was diverted to Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma, named after Will Rogers, who reportedly never yet met a man he didn't like. I don't know this for a fact, but I'll bet he never met a nekkid goofyhead on a flight from Boston to LAX either.
So, it's possible. I'm just sayin.
I should add: I'm making dumb jokes, not criticizing the guys who subdued him. They were all over it, and good on them.

posted by Dave In Texas at
01:18 PM
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