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July 23, 2008
Kaus Does a Victory Lap
...over the recent National Enquirer report that John Edwards knocked up "Madame," the Waylon Flowers puppet.

Pictured: A comical, gay-icon muppet, and also Madame.
Will this be the first presidential-contender level scandal to occur completely in the undernews [Kaus' term for stories that the MSM embargoes but are reported by alternate media], without ever being reported in the cautious, respectable MSM? That's always seemed an interesting theoretical possibility--a prominent politician just disappears from the scene, after blogs and tabloids dig up dirt on him, but nobody who relies on the Times, Post, network news or Mark Halperin has the faintest idea why. If this is that case, it will have come along sooner than I would have thought. ...
Dude, it's not just John Edwards sharing hair-care tips and semen with Rielle Hunter that's been reported exclusively by "undernews."
We won a fucking major foreign war and that, too, is only reported by undernews.