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Another Slushop »
July 22, 2008
McCain Goes There: "I would rather lose an election than lose a war. My opponent would rather lose a war than a political campaign."
Just looking to cut the video now, but it doesn't look like it's gone up quite yet.
McCain has to do this, and stop mincing words. It's tough stuff, but the harshness of the statement is mitigated by the fact that it's unquestionably true.
I (of course) would like to see him go farther -- and note that Obama's hard-left constituency is determined to lose a war that could (easily at this point) be won, just as vengeance against Bush and all the conservatives they've argued with since 2003, and of course to chasten the US so that it never fights a war again.
And then make the point: If Barack Obama can't stand up to his own donors and supporters and worshippers, how exactly can we trust him to stand up to Ahmadinejad?