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July 02, 2008
New Site Complaints, Suggestions Thread
As some of you know, the new site was never really ready. I linked it when the old site was going through its periodic problems and seemed more unstable than usual. Just as a back-up, a contingency.
Most people seem to be going there now, though.
Anyway, I'm getting feedback and complaints in emails; it would be easier to have them all assembled in one place before I make the changes (or beg someone to make the changes) to make the thing spiffy.
I do intend to have "Headlines" over there. Trouble is, that requires some coding, and Pixy hasn't been able to do it yet.
Also, in case people aren't getting it -- all the posts that name you, the reader? It's a gag being played, by use of a bit of code available on the new site. If you include the code "[you]" in a post, the system checks each reader's cookies, finds what name he's posting under, and inserts that name instead of "[you]."
So if it seems like a lot of people are naming/insulting you for no good reason -- they're really not. They're insulting a general [you] which is then replaced with your screenname, on your computer only.