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Rasmussen: 43-42 »
July 11, 2008
"Warrantless Domestic Spying" Results in 15 Innocent Civilians Being Forced By Government Thugs into Helicopters and Spirited Away
The US was listening in as FARC leader Nancy Conde phoned Miami contacts asking them for satellite phones. The FBI arrested the contacts, then double-agented them and coerced them to put Conde in touch with a company which would deliver them their precious phones -- a front company manned by the FBI.
They got their phones -- all wiretapped up, of course.
FARC used them, not realizing all their communications were compromised.
This led to the liberation of the 15 long-held hostages.
I wonder if the freed hostages believe their civil rights were more compromised by the US government or the terrorist FARC army the left is so protective of.