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July 03, 2008
Cable News, Networks Oddly Reluctant to Report on Gruesomely Riveting Crime
Update: Unverified Report
Here's a story. Human traffickers -- in women, I guess -- made an example of one the little girls they had intended to repeatedly rape into whoredom. She resisted. So they beheaded her -- in front of their other sexual slaves. Then left the body and head in a room with the other girls, just to let them know that sometimes rape isn't the worst thing in the world.
The story is obviously cable-news nirvana. Let me be crass and note that it's a potential ratings barnburner. Sex, forced prostitution, slavery, a woman heroically resisting her abusers, and being tragically beheaded by these monsters for her courage. (I note this just to underscore the odd reluctance of cable news, or crime-magazine shows on the networks, to touch it.)
Not only is it luridly compelling, but it actually underscores a greater problem -- what used to be called white slavery; I have no idea what we're supposed to call it now -- and thus is also an "important" story.
I note the latter because media-critic liberal chin-strokers are forever castigating cable news for running sensationalistic stories about missing and abducted girls and men who kill their wives, always branding such stories -- without contemplating their import -- as "unimportant." They really do use the word "unimportant" when discussing a story about a murdered woman, as if she doesn't rate.
What they mean, and really should be less "inartful" about expressing (as Obama would have it), is that such stories have no broader implications and are, therefore, "mere" murder stories without a greater public-policy angle to them. The latter, of course, would rescue such stories from the "unimportant" category.
Liberals can't conceive of a story as being important unless, of course, it can be used to animate the public in favor of government action and new legislation.
But in this case, that criterion is well-satisfied.
So why is the story not being covered?
Take a wild fucking guess.
The perpetrators are Mexicans, transporting women (apparently also Mexican) to Florida to rape them into sexual slavery. And when that doesn't work -- cut off a head or two.
Sometimes crusading journalists, who are all about informing the public and righting evils, have to consider more important crusades they're on, such as pushing for amnesty and open borders.
Open borders, as a cause, trumps any niggling concerns over entrepreneurial rape.
Inside the Mind of Geraldo Rivera: TV's pre-eminent merchant of sleaze and sensationalism, and the man who would "spit on" Michelle Malkin for her anti-amnesty views, must be terribly vexed right about now.
Ah, he'll manage it. His angle? How anti-amnesty racism dooms Mexican girls to being abducted, raped, and beheaded, and how this story is, in a way, an indictment of all of us who insist on secure borders.
It's an even easier call for him if he can get his thuggish hands on pictures of the decapitated girl. Score.
Update: Freedom Folks is trying to verify this. At the moment, while the Florida AG spokesman repeated the story as read from a local newspaper, there was actually no verification of that report originally -- it was a story told to the paper by a community activist.
So far, no one official is verifying there's anything to this.