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July 22, 2008
Obama: Surge Was a "Bad Strategy," I Have No Idea What Would Have Happened if We'd Followed My Strategy (and I Don't Really Care to Think About It), and Oh, By the Way, It Was Really My Call for Political Reconciliation That Reduced Violence
Whoops: I shouldn't have said Obama said it was his call for political reconciliation that reduced violence. He actually said that the "political dynamic" coincidentally changed at about the same time. Democrats have previously attempted to claim it was their "pressuring" of the Iraqi government, by threatening to cut funds and impose timetables, which occasioned this happy (?) accident.
So Obama didn't really say that... but, you know, that's the sort of claim Democrats have made before.
I used to think he was Captain Bullshit.
Now I think he is so dangerously narcissistic his ego just warps the world around him, like gravity, so that everything really does wind up revolving around him.
Thanks to CJ.
UPDATE [Dave in Texas]: former Marine Steve Schippert at Threatswatch.org points out the Anbar Awakening started with one sheik and seventy other men, simply fighting Al-Qaeda for survival and to protect their families. They didn't have a political bone to pick with anybody. It's laughable to claim political pressure, from either Democrats or the Iraqi government had any influence on the Anbar Salvation Council whatsoever. Of course, it does make Obama's claim that he couldn't have anticipated it more believable; he didn't even know what the hell it was.
via Andrew McCarthy at The Corner