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Moron Meet-Ups
Overnight Open Thread-TGIF Edition [CDR M]
Perry: What We Have Is A Soft President
Vacation This Week
Hey, What Happened To Obama's Promise To Review Regulations And End Those That Were Hurting Business?
Obama: America's Gone Soft
Charles Krauthammer Uses The "L Word"
Whuh...? Huckabee Taking a Second Look At Presidential Run
Wow: Michelle Obama Shops At Target, Just Like Normal People
America's Dependency on Foreign Oil... Dropped Significantly?
Today's Lesson In Punitive TaxationThere's A Point When You've Scored Enough Points*
Shakeweight Now Officially The Second Most Pornographic Exercise Tool You Can Buy
Oh. Frickin'. My.: Obama's Absolute Moral Authority Billionaire, Warren Buffett, Repudiates "Buffet Rule," Refuses To Endorse "Jobs" Bill
Palin: No Decision Coming; Maybe By The End of October
Iran Prepares To Execute Christian Minister On Charge He's An Apostate Of Islam
The Obama Administration's Tough Week in Law
BREAKING: Anwar al-Awlaki Killed By Crushing Disappointment in NBC's Fall Lineup, Drone-Launched Hellfire Missiles, But Mostly Drone-Launched Hellfire Missiles
Top Headline Comments 9-30-11
Overnight Open Thread-Weak Sauce Edition [CDR M]
Dick Durbin: We Don't Have the Votes to Pass This Phony Jobs Bill
Fresh Hot Stupid Biden: 1, We Own This Economy, and 2, We'd Want This "Jobs" Bill Boondoggle Even With Explosively High Growth And Ahistorically Low Unemployment
Embarrassing Video of Biden's Speech to Solyndra Unearthed
Hey, Andrew Breitbart Actually Commented
Jim DeMint: "Venture Socialism"
Sheila Jackson Lee: Obama, Who Campaigned As Jesus, Who Was Specifically Called a New Jesus, Is Now Being Crucified... Like, Um, Jesus
Racial Bullying: Billboard "Controversial," "Racist" Because It Mocks Miserable Failure of a President
Anderson Cooper Covers, Sort of, Fast and Furious
Who's The Worst News-Reader in the Media?
"Smoking Gun" In Fast And Furious?
Perry: You Know, Governors Wouldn't Have To Deal With Issues Like In-State Tuition for Children of Illegals if the Federal Government Did Its Duty and Secured the Border
Bev Perdue: Okay, I Wasn't Joking. I Was Using Hyperbole. Still No? Okay, My Point Was Sarcastic. Does That Do The Trick?
PETA Goes Anti-Human (Again)
DOOM. Sniffling, sneezing, aching, stuffy-headed, fever, so-you-can-fall-over-dead DOOM.
Top Headline Comments 9-29-11
Overnight Open Thread-Sonic Boom Edition [CDR M]
Desperate White House Won't Stop Raffling Off Dinners With Barack Obama
ObamaCare Petition Now At Supreme Court
FoxNews Poll: Now Romney, Perry, Cain, In That Order
Ex-Obama Budget Chief Writes On "Why we need less democracy"
Massachusetts Muslim Man Lists Hobbbies As Remotely-Piloted Aircraft, Murder
Perry: On Second Thought (Or First?), I Shouldn't Have Said You Were Heartless
Guy Who Called Bristol Palin's Mom a "Whore" Very Upset She Called Him a Homosexual
On The Art Of Seduction
Sure, Why Not: Administration Quickly Inks $1 Billion More In Loans for Solar
Claim: Infrared Thermometers Relied Upon To "Prove" Greenhouse Gas Warming... Actually Are Specifically Calibrated To Not Measure Greenhouse Gas Warming
Liberal/Media Spin: Bev Perdue Was "Joking" When She Suggesting Cancelling Elections Actual Audiotape: No, She Was Not Joking
SEC: Congressmen and Senators Who Trade Based on Information They've Secured Due To Their Powers Are Not Guilty of Insider Trading
Glenn Beck: I've Had It With Christie's Excuses
GOP Nomination News: Christie Isn't Running, Perry Is Doubling Down And Palin Is Worried About "Shackles"
PC Gone Amok In Australia: Writer Andrew Bolt Convicted Of Race-Crime For Knocking... White People
DOOM: That old voodoo economics has me in its spell....
Straw Poll: Who do you want in 2012?
Top Headline Comments 9-28-11
Overnight Open Thread-Temp Tuesday Edition [CDR M]
Chris Christie Speech Thread
Week 3 NFL Pickem
Tina Brown: Hey, Maybe Chris Christie Really Isn't Ready To Be President. You Know, Like Barack Obama Wasn't Ready.
NC Governor Bev Perdue: I Think We Should Go Ahead And Cancel The Elections So We Can Work On The Country's Problems
Breaking: Chris Christie Is Either Not Running For President Or May Be Considering It
Paul Ryan: We Owe The Country a Choice, Not an Echo
20,000 Surface-to-Air Missiles Missing in Libya
Paul Ryan's Speech on Health Care Reform
Ford Pulls Ad Critical of Bailed-Out Autos After White House Calls To Complain
Flyover Country: Obama's Team Announces Visit to 57th State of Wyomorado
Another Internet Multimillionaire & Obama Donor Has Some Questions
Obama Heckled At California Campaign Event; Called "Anti-Christ"
DOOM: If broken dreams were limousines, I might take you for a ride
Top Headline Comments 9-27-11
Overnight Open Thread
It Begins. AP Charged with Racism for Accurate Transcription of Obama's Speech. [ArthurK]
Poll: Jews Suddenly Embrace Racism, Extremism
House GOP Facebook Townhall / Open Thread
Obama's Randomly-Selected Questioner Just So Happens To Be A Major Democratic Donor
Former NJ Governor & Christie Confidante Tom Kean: Yes, Christie Is Seriously Considering a Bid
Finally: Drudge Devotes Major Headline to Fast & Furious
Obama Randomly Picks Guy Out of a Crowd For a Question; Just Happens To Be a Rich Guy Who Wants Him To Raise His Taxes
British Transport Sunk In WWII Found; Silver Aboard Ship Could Be Worth $230 Million Dollars
The Fed Is Preparing Its Own AttackWatch
Europe's Failure Demands Europe Choose A Different Path, And That We Stop Following Their Example In America
Among Solyndra's Creditors: The California Democratic Party
Climate Change May Kill People Eventually
Chris Christie: No
New Perry Ad Attacks Romney For Changing Words About RomneyCare In Book
House GOP Should "Stop Playing With People's Tragedies" And Worry About Finding Offsets For Disaster Aid Later Says....Herman Cain
Obama: If Rick Perry Had Only Believed In Voodo, Er, Climate Change, There Wouldn't Be Any Fires In Texas Or Something
DOOM: I'm a crawlin' king snake, and I rules my den
Top Headline Comments 9-26-11
Overnight Open Thread
Open Thread - BUMPED
Time For Another Lame Season of SNL
Let's Take a Closer Look at the Law Firm That Represented Solyndra, Shall We? [JohnE.]
NFL Thread
Byron York On How Cain Won In Florida
Funny Beer Commercial
Sunday Book Thread
Sunday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread-? Edition [CDR M]
BREAKING: Herman Cain Wins Florida Straw Poll
NRO Ponzi Debate [ArthurK]
Time for College Football
Resident Tuition in Texas
Overnight Open Thread-Friday Edition [CDR M]
Some Thoughts on Perry from a Stupid Texan
Popular Mechanics Report on Reno Air Show Crash
Claim: Christie Reconsidering Entering Presidential Race, Will Decide in Days
Morgan Freeman: Obama's Election Has Made Racism Worse
Oh. My. God.: FDA To Ban Current Style of Asthma Inhalers , To... Save the Atmosphere
Perry on Hannity In One Minute
Senate Rejects Disaster Relief Bill
Michael Moore: Let's Deal With The Rich, Nonviolently... For Now
"They Put Bottles In My Anus:" One Jihadi's Tearful, Sexy Tale
Real-Time UARS Satellite Tracker
The Palestinians Request Formal Recognition of Statehood from UN, Setting Up Dramatic US Veto (???)
"You're Mother's A Whore!": The New Civility, Part 5,855
Second Look at Newt?
Perry's Brainless Invocation of Heartlessness
Rick Perry's Debate Performance
Democrats Threaten To Hold Up Disaster Relief And Shutdown Government To Protect Green Energy Boondoggles
Top Headline Comments 9-First Day of Fall-11
Overnight Open Thread
Liveblogging the Fox News/Google GOP Presidential Debate
Would Romney Repeal ObamaCare?
Obama's Got a Problem With Women, and Men Have A Problem With Obama
Confirmed: Obama Lied, American Health Care Freedom Died
Yeah, It's Probably Time To Panic
The Federal Debt Mess - Tea Party Perspective. [ArthurK]
Everything Must Go: Global Meltdown As Investors Prepare For Worldwide Recession
Shovel Ready, Part II: Obama Tells Ohio and Kentucky He's Got a Bridge To Sell Them
ATF Agent Newell Adds "Supplemental Statement" To Testimony
The Great Euro Swindle
Solyndra Insiders: Once We Got That Fat Loan, We Overspent Like Crazy
Red Meat
DOOM: Lie to me
Top Headline Comments 9-22-11
Troy Davis Executed
Overnight Open Thread
Ann Coulter: Troy Davis Is Guilty As Hell (And, Oh Yeah, The Media Is Lying To You)
New Blood In GOP Senate Leadership
President Obama: I'm All About Jobs. Keeping People Working. Making Sure We Don't Lose Any More Jobs. That's Why I Vigorously Support Cutting Defense.
Grassley/Issa Letter: These Leaked Audiotapes Hurt Our Efforts To Secure Testimony From Witnesses
Gunwalker: Leaked Tapes Features ATF Agent Saying "The FBI's Got Their Own Problems"
Michele Bachmann Continues Opening Cans of Worms Best Left Sealed; New PAC Ad Attacks Anita Perry
The Place For Politics: Three Weeks On and MSNBC Still Hasn't Covered Solyndra In A Single Segment On A Primetime Show
The So-Called "Buffett Rule" Wouldn't Even Touch Its Ostensible Target, Warren Buffett
Shocker: If You Like Your Plan, Tough Cookies, You're Going To Lose Your Plan
Sorry About the Highly-Baiting Palin Headline
Nobody Wants To See You Anyway, Dude: Obama Waves During Group Photo
It's take two for Jerry Brown as California Governor. How's it going Jerry? [ArthurK]
DOOM: It tastes like burning!
Top Headline Comments 9-21-11
They'll Tell You Who They Want To Run: McClatchy-Marist Poll Finds Palin Within Five of Obama 49-44 (Perry Loses by Nine, 50-41)
Overnight Open Thread
NFL Pickem Week 2
Early Evening Open Thread
And Here. We. Go!: Solyndra Executives Will Take The Fifth In Congressional Inquiry
Obama's Relationship With LightSquared Goes Back A Ways
AP Fact Checks Obama; Finds The Rich Already Pay Much More, and Pay a Higher Rate In Taxes, Too
Genius: Researchers Turn HIV Modeling Problem Into a Competitive Game; Gamers Apparently Come Up With Ballpark-Accurate Answer
Second Government Official Comes Forward To Charge That White House Lobbied Him On His Testimony, To Make It More Helpful To Donor/Ally LightSquared
David Brooks Admits: "I'm an Obama Sap"
Greta VanSusteren and Tucker Carlson Go At It, Hard, Over Daily Caller's Tyson/Palin Post
Perry Loses 20 Point Lead in South Carolina Over Romney; Only Three Points Separate Rivals
White House: No, We're Not Really Serious About Passing These Jobs And Tax Ideas
DOOM: The long grave already dug
Top Headline Comments 9-20-11
Overnight Open Thread
A Democrat President, on Taxes, 1962
Esquire Writer Rips Jon Stewart, And For Once, I Find Myself On Stewart's Side
Obama's Bold New Plan: $3 In Tax Hikes For Every $1 In Spending Cuts
Bill Clinton: Do I Think My Wife Should Challenge Obama? Ha, Ha. What A Silly Question. But Seriously, My Wife Is A Very Good Secretary of State. What An Amazing Accomplished Leader She Is.
Strange New Respect: Ralph Nader Praises Sarah Palin For Echoing His Themes
Connecticut Supreme Justice Tells Susette Kelo (Homeowner Victimized In Kelo Decision) "I'm Sorry"
Buzz: And Now Christie Is, Supposedly, "Carefully" Considering a Run
"Day of Rage," The Music Video Plus, The Lost Solyndra Proposal
Big Democratic Pollster/Adviser Mark Penn: Obama Is Dooming Himself With His Class Warfare Gambit
Afternoon Open Thread: SCOAMF Edition
DOOM: When you gaze into the abyss...
Top Headline Comments 9-19-11
Overnight Open Thread
Emmys Thread
Belated NFL Thread
Rex Murphy: It's Time the American Media Came To A Reckoning For Installing an Incompetent in the Oval Office, Too
Breaking: Documents Clear White House of All Wrongdoing In Solyndra Scandal
Holy Frick: Chicago Tribune Editor Makes The Case for Obama Withdrawal
Sunday Book Thread
Sunday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread-Oktoberfest Edition! [CDR M]
Why Stop at Pennsylvania with Electoral Vote Splitting?
NYT Employs Geometric Logic to Argue Against Life Without Parole. [ArthurK]
MSNBC Skips Solyndra Completely; Liberals Realize Obama's A Loser
The Conservative Case For... Protectionism [Truman North]
You Shouldn't Be Bored. [ArthurK]
Michele Bachmann on Leno
Rhode Island Meetup Reschedule
College Football Thread
For the First Time, A Poll Puts Obama's Favorable Ratings Upside Down, 42 Unfavorable, 39 Favorable
Overnight Open Thread (ONT) Friday Edition [Ben]
Michele Bachmann: Hey, There's a Can of Worms. You Know What I'll Do? I Think I'll Open This Here Can of Worms Up.
Did Solyndra Actually Get a Second Loan of $469 Million, Bringing the Full Loan Package To Over A Billion?
Thank You So Much For the Donations
And Who Is Expected To Bailout Europe?
Doctor Michele Bachmann: I Oppose "PerryCare"
WSJ Op-Ed Writer: Obama's "Jobs" Plan "a Blue-State Bailout In Disguise"
Tipping Point: Dennis Miller Decides "I Don't Like Obama, Because He Doesn't Like Me and 50% of the Country"
Today In Rick Perry News: Bad Polling News, "The Big Hoss" And An Op-Ed On The US And Israel
Cartoons vs. Human Beings
Company At Center Of Potential Obama Scandal Tries To Do Damage Control
How To Cut $1.4 Trillion Over 10 Years In 58 Easy Steps
Top Headline Comments 9-16-11
Jon Stewart Rips Obama on Solyndra
Times Are Tough But An Ewok's Gotta Eat And Those Hobos Aren't Going To Skin Themselves
Overnight Open Thread
Hey, What If A Committee of Elder Democratic Statesman Told Obama It Was Time To Retire?
Henry Waxman: Jews Vote Republican To Protect Their Wealth
Warren Buffett Should Listen To Bernie Marcus On JobsThe SCOAMF Is Beyond Help
Perry Blowing Chance To Slam Door Shut On Rivals
Global Warming - A Long Term Perspective. [ArthurK]
Sergeant Dakota Meyer Receives Medal of Honor, First Living Marine Recipient In 38 Years
Testify: In 2009, Solyndra CEO Said Obama and Steven Chu Were Personally "Instrumental" In Securing Half-Billion In Loans for SCOAMF Boondoggle
Gunwalker: Issa Says Fast & Furious Goes All The Way To The White House; 3 More Murders Linked To Gunwalker Weapons
Obama's Green Jobs Program a Boondoggle As a General Matter, Says... The Washington Post
CLASSy: Administration Ignored Warnings From Own Analysts In Effort To Get Expensive Boondoggle Passed Into Law
Democratic Daily Newsletter (AKA Politico) Says Democrats Are Mad At Obama....For Not Being Liberal Enough
Report: Obama Administration Asked Air Force General To Alter Congressional Testimony To Help Firm Owned By Democratic Donor
DOOM: The goggles do nothing
Fed Up SCOAMF Stutters When He's Mad, Bro
Top Headline Comments 9-15-11
Overnight Open Thread
Actual Surprise: ABCNews Covers Solyndra, Top of the Show
Mystery Solved: Chris Matthews' Brain Abducted By Robots
Nobel Laureate Resigns From American Physical Society, Citing Global Warming Nonsense As Reason, And Also, Gardasil
Doctor Michele Bachmann, After Extensive Double-Blind Testing, Determines That The Mandatory Hep B Vaccine In Her Home State of Minnesota Does Not, Repeat, Does Not , Cause Mental Retardation
AttackWaaaatch Gets Results? Washington Post Edits Headline Knocking Creepy Website
Say Anything: Yeah, Let Me Report My Own Experience With Stalker Joe McGinniss
Paul Krugman, Sociopath
Obama on the Ropes? Two GOP Polls Say He's At His Lowest Point (So Far...)
FBI Taking An Interest In Nude Photo Hack of Scarlett Johnansson's Cell Phone
Oh No: Washington Post Headline, "Attack Watch, new Obama campaign site to ‘fight smears,’ becomes laughing stock of the Internet"
Poll: Obama's Re-Elect Number Falls To 29%
Strong, Confident, Totally-Not-Weird-Or-Anything Leadership: "If You Love Me, You Gotta Help Me Pass This Bill"
Political Retardation: Bachmann Falls Below Gingrich, Firmly In Second Tier
You Sad, Bro? Gawker Claims That NYT Reporters Working On A Story About The President's... Clinical Depression
Nate Silver: Four Special Election Races Show 2010 Republican Wave Still Cresting
DOOM: Another day older and deeper in debt
Solyndra Execs To Skip Today's House Hearing
Top Headline Comments 9-14-11
Bad: Turkey Switches Israeli From "Friend' To "Foe" in Aircraft Sensors
SECOND RESULTS THREAD: AP CALLS ITThe Heat of the Meat Leads To A Hosin' By The Chosen
First Results Thread: Nevada Isn't Even Close, 57-38%
Pass This Jobs Bill: White House Rushed OMB Assessment of Solyndra, Just To Get Loans Approved In Time For A Scheduled Photo-Op
Overnight Open Thread
Obligatory, And Also Old: Ron Paul Fan Takes a Breathalyzer Test
NY-9, NV-2 Vote Thread (Bumped)
Pennsylvania Considers Apportioning Electoral Votes By District
Unchastened, Steven "Gardasil Victim" Chu Hands Out Another $1.2 Billion in Loan Guarantees To Another Solar Company
Democrats: The Solyndra Scandal Touches Republicans, Too, Because In 2006 They Applied to Loans From The Bush Administration, Which... Rejected The Application
WaPo: Perry Got More Than $5000 From Merck
Dirty Tricks: "Jews 4 Jesus 4 Turner" Start Calling Jewish Voters in NY-9, In An Attempt To Gin Up Votes For Weprin
New Polls Support Old Conventional Wisdom: It's a Two Man Race
As Issa Digs Into Fast and Furious, Surprise!, Liberal Advocacy Group Files Ethics Complaint Against Him
Rush: Bachmann Might Have Jumped The Shark With Her Mentally Retarded Claims
An Illustration of Some Crony Capitalism There: Sarah Palin's Alaska Took Federal Funds To Increase Access to... Gardasil
Bachmann: I'm A-Goin' to Go Ahead and Push This Lunatic Vaccines=Autism Lie
Fantasy Pick'em Results [Ben]
Democrats Destroying Jobs...A Continuing Series
Rick Perry And The Texas DREAM Act
Who Fact-Checks The Fact-Checkers?
My Response to "The Climate Reality Project"
DOOM: A Pocketful of Dust
ONGOING: U.S. Embassy Under Attack in Kabul
Top Headline Comments 9-13-11
Overnight Open Thread
Liveblogging Patriots
Debate Preview
Greenmail: "Green" Companies Hotbed For Graft and Insider-Dealing
Special Guest At Tonight's Debate: Tim Pawlenty, and Probably Bobby Jindal
Calling All Morons: Pimp Your State And Local Blogs
Turns Out, Obama Is Sort of Mock-Worthy
Pass This Dutchie: No Bounce For Obama's Historic, Unprecedented Super-Amazing Jobs Speech Breaking Update: Obama Wants Automatic Tax Increases To Pay For His Jobs Bill
Mark Cuban's HDNet Aired Truther Lie "Loose Change" On September 11th
PPP: Republican Has Big Lead in Nevada-2, Too
Perry Defends Social Security Reform
Obama Administration Creates About 500 New Jobs Unemployed
President "Pass This Bill" To Lecture Congress To "Pass This Bill"
DOOM: If heartaches were nickels, I'd be the richest fool alive
Perry Still Leading, Oh and There Is Another Debate Tonight
Top Headline Comments 9-12-11
Final Polling for NY-9 from PPP:
Overnight Open Thread
Unremarkable Memories of 9-11-01
The Sound of Freedom
Larry O'Connor: 9/11 Was a Declaration of War
Remembering 9/11 in Pictures
The Left's Continuing Unhinging Over 9/11
Former Enron Adviser Paul Krugman's Thoughts On September 11
NFL Sunday
President Obama, Inspired to Lead by 9/11
The 9/11 Singularity [ArthurK]
The Falling Man
5:10 AM
Overnight Open Thread-I Hate The Nose Spray Flu Shot Edition [CDR M]
Open Blog/Open Thread
Ford Commercial Highlights That It Was Never Bailed Out
The Establishment Right's Dysfunctional Relationship With the Conservative Blogosphere
College Football Thread
Surprise: Time Magazine Noted Non-Candidate Huckabee's "Lincoln Founded The Republican Party" Gaffe In 2008; Refuses To Note Obama's Exact-Same Gaffe In Joint Session
Al Gore Wants to Borrow Your Twitter or Facebook Account. [ArthurK]
Saturday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
Seems Like Old Times: Dirty Bomb Fears As Cities On Edge
Closing In On His Own Self-Imposed Three Year Deadline For Fixing The Economy, Obama Becomes Very, Very Angry About Dawdling
Brilliant Scholar And "Rara Avis" President Makes Startling New Historical Discovery: Abraham Lincoln Founded the Republican Party
Richard Trumpka Blames Beck, Limbaugh: 'Pushed the door to hate' After 9/11 [Truman North]
And Now... Truther Pop Singles!
Google's $500 Million Fine For Assisting In Evading Drug Importation Laws
Al Gore's Murderous Moral High Ground
Third Gun Found at Scene of Terry Murder Linked to Fast and Furious
Cure For Asthma Found in Connecticut
NY-9: It's Ugly, If You're on Team Pelosi
Top Headline Comments 9-9-11
Overnight Open Thread
Wrong-Way Weprin Screws Up Yet Again; Has To Pull Ad For Suggesting 9/11 Disaster
NFL Kickoff Thread
Liveblogging the SCOAMF
"Credible Threat" On Or Around 9/11 Announced
Romney on Hannity Updated: Audio Linked; Perry Snaps Back, Noting Romney Said Social Security Run Like a Criminal Enterprise
DCCC Conceding NV-2, Panicking In NY-9?
House To Hold Hearings on Solyndra Collapse Next Week
Fourth Circuit Good News and Bad News
"Let's take these son of bitches out" - First Volley? [krakatoa]
Oh Dear: Rick Perry "Physically Assaults" Ron Paul During Debate Commercial Break
Error In ObamaCare Drafting May Permit States To Substantially Block ObamaCare On Their Own Initiative
Obama Releases Talking Points To Liberals; Meanwhile, Darrell Issa Is Releasing His Own Talking Points, Publicly, On Twitter
Liberal Fourth Circuit Panel Rejects ObamaCare Challenge
Breaking: Solyndra Raided By FBI and DoE
On Social Security, Perry Needs to Balance Reform-Mindedness With Reassurance
About Last Night's Debate
DOOM: Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name
Top Headline Comments 9-8-11
Overnight Open Thread
"The King of Kong" Is On Right Now
Romney: I Vow I Will Not Abolish Social Security
Liveblogging the GOP Presidential Debate
AP asks - Post 9/11: We Live... But is the Cost Too High ? [ArthurK]
Republican Bob Turner Gets Another Unexpected Endorsement In NY-9: A Democratic Assemblyman
Oh My Stars and Garters: Obama's Big New Idea For Jobs Speech? Reversing His Previous Anti-Corporate-Jet-Tax-Breaks Stance
Politico: Even Democrats Fear That Obama Has Become a SCOAMF
Norm MacDonald Interviews Robert Duvall
Firefighters Gain Ground Over Texas Wildfires For First Time
If the "Climate of Hate" Causes Violence, Obama Must Apologize for Carson City
VDH looks at aftershocks of 9/11 [ArthurK]
Old and Busted: Republicans Are Disrespectful Racists For Criticizing Obama New Hotness: Republicans Are Disrespectful Racists For Not Criticizing Obama
Is Perry Unelectable?
Poll: The Public Hates Congress. But Media Is Less Willing To Note Crucial Fact: Hate 'Em Or Not, They Prefer Republicans To Hold Power.
Good Article on the CLOUD Test
Are You Ready for Some Football Pick'em? [CDR-M & Ben] UPDATED
DOOM: Fiat justitia ruat caelum
WaPo Hack: "Obama Has Lost the Hamptons! Oh, BTW, Perry Isn't Electable."
Top Headline Comments 9-7-11
Carson City Update: Were National Guardsmen Deliberately Targeted?
Overnight Open Thread
Coulter, Ingraham Rail on Palin
Leaked Details of Obama's Great Big Jobs To-Do List Indicates It's A Small-Bore Rewrite of Job To-Don'ts
Romney's 59 Point Economic Plan And Accompanying 160 Page Book
Commanders Livid As Obama Orders Reduction of Iraq Troop Strength To... 3000
Cry: Matt Taibi Writes In Rolling Stone Writes He Just Doesn't Believe, And Can't Bear To Listen to, Obama Any More
Reverend Al Sharpton Attacks Governor Nikki Haley... I Assume
Jay Carney Absolutely Refuses To Criticize Hoffa's "War" and "Son of a Bitch" Comments
Gunman Murders Three At IHOP in Carson City, Nevada
Republican Polling Firm Has Republican Turner Up Over Democratic Idiot (No, Seriously, He's a Dumb Bunny) Weprin by Four Points
Perry Chickens Out of South Carolina Forum For No Good Reason At All
Democrats, Who Spent Months Arguing for "Compromise," Now Insist Obama "Throw Down The Gauntlet"
Get Me Rewrite: Pelosi Drops Word "Stimulus" From Her Vocabulary
Mickey Kaus: Perry's Positions on Immigration Are Even Worse Than I Thought
An Interesting Flag Display in a Colorado Public School [ArthurK]
Funny Ad for Herman Cain
A Few Thoughts On Yesterday's South Carolina Presidential Forum
Leftwing Nutjob: Stop Being So Mean To Public Employees
Obama Pollageddon
DOOM: I see a red door and I want it painted black
Top Headline Comments 9-6-11
Central Texas Conflagration Update
Overnight Open Thread - Labor Day Edition
Romney Proves Delusions Aren't Just For Democrats
The Science Is Settled: Editor of Journal Which Published AGW-Skeptical Article Resigns In Shame
Biden: "You Are The Only Folks Keeping The Barbarians From the Gates"
Islamists Plot To Take Over Post-Gaddafy Libya
They're All Gone
DeMint's Candidate Forum
Hoffa: "Let's Take These Sons of Bitches Out"
Open Blog/Open Thread
Obama: I Pulled Our Country Back From The Brink PS, Sidenote, I Also Put The Country Back On The Brink
Late Summer Wildfires Raging in Central Texas
CAC's Election Projection- September 2011 Edition
Monday Morning Open Thread
Top Headline Comments 9-5-11
The Truth Is Out There. Bill Whittle's Newest Afterburner. [dri]
Overnight Open Thread
Humiliating: Time Reporter Who Claimed Solyndra Was In Good Fiscal Health Nine Weeks Ago Is Forced To Report On Its Bankruptcy
AP Stylebook on Rick Perry: Make Up Shit
Arthur Herman calls Bullshit on the "WW2 ended the Depression" myth. [ArthurK]
Sunday Afternoon Matinee: The Magnetic Monster
More Jokes than I can shake a tit at, OT. [krakatoa]
Sunday Book Thread
Sunday, Sunday, Sundayyyy!! Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread-International Bacon Day Edition [CDR M]
24 , The Unaired 1994 Pilot
Precedented: Tip O'Neill Refused a Reagan Request To Address the House; Will Media Correct?
The Fizzle In Drizzle
Will She or Won't She? Palin's Speech in Indianola No Announcement, Standard Vague Rally Speech
Why Did Obama Muzzle the EPA?
College Football Stuff
Dr. Doom Says We're Screwed
Saturday Morning Open Thread: Dumb Crook Edition
Candace Kita Presents: A Very Special almost NSFW Overnight Open Thread. [dri] NSFW?
Bank of America Could Slash Up To 30,000 Jobs
Perry's Aggressive Debate Style, And Why He Should Avoid That
Your New 330 Million Strong "Federal Family"
Oh. My. God.: Obama's Joint Speech To Congress Will Only Be Part of His Plan
Artist Has Pretty Neat Trick
This Is What Happens When You Let a SCOAMF Pick Winners and Losers
Bob Turner, Seeking to Replace Anthony Weiner, Secures Endorsements of Giuliani, Koch, and... The New York Daily News
Faster & Faster: Three White House Officials Knew of Operation; White House Denies "Detailed" Information
Change! Obama "Requests" The EPA Withdraw Job Killing Proposed Ozone Regulations
House Committee Steps Up Investigation Of Solyndra: How Did They Get Such Low Interest Rates?
CBS: Cover Up In Fast & Furious?
BREAKING: August Unemployment Rate Steady At 9.1%, ZERO Net Job Creation
Ask me questions about economics, and I will try to answer them….
Top Headline Comments 9-2-11
Overnight Open Thread
Perry Responds To Bachmann's "Doubled The Budget" Charge
White House Continues Putting Country Above Party By Reacting "Furiously" To Silly Speech Schedule
Navy Spends Millions of Dollars And Winds Up With Nothing To Show For It Except Awesome Corrected: Just a Company Pitching Its Wares
Hmmmm.....Race To Replace Anthony "Hacked!" Weiner Tied?
MSNBC's Wolff: Opposition To Obama's Speech Based On... You Know...
Video Shows Disgraced Bite-Mark Forensic "Expert" Planting Fake Bite Marks On Victims
Dum Dum Dum Dummm: Mediaite Calls Upon Boehner To Resign For Dissing the President
Carney: This New Plan Will Bring Unemployment Under 9.0%
Green Jobs Aren't Even Green
White House Downgrades Reelection Chances From "It's Going To Be Tough" To "We Are So Screwed It's Not Even Funny. Hey, Look It's That Dummy Rick Perry!"
What if President Obama's Popular Vote Share Matched His Gallup Approval Rating?
So, you think you've got hair on your chest? [Fritzworth]
Screwy Poll? Perry Leads Obama, All Other Candidates (Including Romney) Trail Him Update: Not Such A Screwy Poll At All
Some Guy Named "Jon Huntsman" Offered A Bold Tax Reform Plan
More On "Green Jobs" Bankruptcy: Liberal Media Headline Runs, "Solyndra Filing a Disaster for Obama"
Obama Bashes Congress Again
DOOM: I don't live anywhere, the road is my home
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Now Available!The Deplorable Gourmet A Horde-sourced Cookbook [All profits go to charity]
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CORRECTION: I inadvertently reported that our NSA and CIA "intelligence" professionals were talking about "anal bleaching" in government checks while on the taxpayers' dime. In fact, they were discussing "butthole lasers."
"Butthole lasers" may be used for anal bleaching, but also for anal fistulas.
Laser treatments for the anus and rectum can be used for a variety of conditions, including hemorrhoids, fissures, and fistulas. Laser treatments can also be used for hair removal and anal bleaching.
I apologize to all "intelligence" professionals I maligned. I regret the error and vow to do better in the future.
Podcast: Sefton and CBD ramble about WaPo changing? More MSNBC meltdowns, Texas Tranny attack foiled, The Trump realignment continues apace, and We both choose peace over WWIII in Ukraine!
Podcast: Sefton and CBD agree about Trump's silly $5k checks, Islam is an existential evil, Ukraine is a mess, and more!
I prefer the heat. I can always wear shorts and flip-flops if it gets hot. But when it's below freezing it's not like I can just put pants on. -- Disinterested FDA Director
fraudulent journalism at CBS : 60 Minutes interviewed two people who lost their jobs as a result of DOGE overhauling USAID. Kristina Drye & Adam Dubard emoted on behalf of thousands of USAID employees who have been terminated, but neither Kristina nor Adam was actually an employee of USAID. Clever word parsing and dishonest editing conveyed otherwise. [Buck]
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