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September 23, 2011
Michael Moore: Let's Deal With The Rich, Nonviolently... For Now
It isn't just Michael Moore, of course.
Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren also hinted that if the rich don't pony up more money, bad things could happen.
That was the most outrageous part of Elizabeth Warren's beloved-by-the-left remarks.
"You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for... You didn't have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory."
Who would these marauding bands consist of? Seems to me they'd consist primarily of Elizabeth Warren's electoral coalition.
So this, to me, is a not-so-veiled threat: This is going to happen, either by an orderly process with professional government wealth redistribution agents, or a disorderly process-- Warren's "marauding bands."
Pay us this much "voluntarily" or you just might lose it all involuntarily.
Your choice.