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September 26, 2011
Obama's Randomly-Selected Questioner Just So Happens To Be A Major Democratic Donor
Wow, what a shock.

Green initiative?
Doug Edwards, formerly an executive with Google. And now, as he says, retired, by choice.
Guy seems to be willing to pay a lot of money to get his taxes raised.
$10k to the Ohio Demo Partry in 2010
$7.5k to John Kerry in 2004
$500 to the DNC Services Corp in 2004
$2.3k to Michael Arcuri in 2007
$2.1k to Bob Casey in 2006
$250 to Hillary Clinton in 2007
$1k to John Courage in 2006
$5k to the DCCC in 2006
$700 to Kay Hagan in 2008
$1k to Ron Klein in 2006
$2,300 to Harry Mitchell in 2007
$1k to Joe Sestak in 2006
$2.3k to John Yarmouth in 2007
$2k to the Franken Recount fund in 2008
$2.3k to Timothy Walz in 2007
$30k to to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee in 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$2.4k to Betty Sutton for Congress in 2010
$1k to Bill Foster for Congress in 2010
As a general matter, he gives the federal limit ($2300 or $2400) to a lot of Democratic candidates.
Here's a screencap of the donor information for "Edwards, Douglas." You have to skip some of these entries because it's not the same Doug Edwards (e.g., he's not an attorney and not likely to donate to some kind of lobbying group for convenience stores).
One odd thing is that he's only given $500 (five hundred) to Obama himself.
I sort of think these records might be incomplete. I can't see this guy showering $2300 on every Patrick Murphy or Tammy Duckworth and then only giving Obama $500.
You can look it up here.
Thanks to "Northern California."
More: Doug Edwards, as listed on Open Secrets.
Look at that blizzard of absolute-federal-maxed-out donations. Note he gave $30,000 (thirty thousand) each to the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
That's a lot of money to drop in a single year.
Thanks to JohnE.