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September 14, 2011
Oh No: Washington Post Headline, "Attack Watch, new Obama campaign site to ‘fight smears,’ becomes laughing stock of the Internet"
Why do I say "oh no"?
Two reasons. Every once in a while Obama fails so badly that I start to feel sympathy for him. He's in over his head. I don't think he was really even running for president in 2008 -- I think he expected Hillary to win. He was just getting his name out there for 2012 or 2016.
I think this all comes as a rough shock to him.
And I am starting to get worried that he may also be in over his head psychologically. It's a bad thing if a President is actually teetering on the edge, isn't it?
I've gotten a tip from someone that the Gawker story is not bullshit; that the Times reporters really were working that depression angle.
The other reason for the "oh no" is that if AttackWatch is officially a laughingstock, that means they're going to pull it.
The response to the site has been less than stellar.
On Twitter, where the Web site has an account to help Obama supporters submit evidence of “attacks” on the president using the hashtag #attackwatch, nearly every tweet about the site has ridiculed it.
“There's a new Twitter account making President Obama look like a creepy, authoritarian nutjob,” an Arizonan tweeted. “In less than 24 hours, Attack Watch has become the biggest campaign joke in modern history,” a contributor to conservative blog The Right Sphere wrote.
[They link that AttackWaaaaatch video here.]
Attack Watch, [as opposed to the less-scary "Fight the Smears" website], used the shorter — and somewhat scaremongering — tagline, “Get the Truth. Fight the Smears.”
It’s safe to say that in its 24 hours of existence, Attack Watch has already backfired in drumming up support for Obama 2012. This tweet summed it up: “Wow, not only are Obama & Co. incredibly thin-skinned, they're paranoid.”
I think we've reached that much-discussed tipping point.
The liberals, and the media (but I, as ever, repeat myself), have long protected Obama. While doing so, however, they were frustrated by him; they pushed their disappointment with him deep down.
But at some point, comes a tipping point, where you get license to say what you really think; you could keep suppressing that, but now you've got a justification to cut loose. (Yes, this is what has happened to me with respect to Palin and Bachmann; the mental retardation/unfounded accusations of crony capitalism were, to me, an announcement that the "Hey, guys, let's not fiiight" rules were no longer in effect.)
This is not only a pretext for some long-suppressed venting at Obama, by the media, but probably a catalyst for even more of it.
And you know what's not going to friggin' help? This.
Thanks to Slublog.
Et Tu, CBS? Even quoting Dan Riehl now?