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September 12, 2011
President "Pass This Bill" To Lecture Congress To "Pass This Bill"
Coming up in a few minutes from the White House. What makes this speech different than the last two or three? He's got a backdrop of government workers this time. That'll work!
Obama is trying to box the GOP in here with this so-called "jobs bill". He either gets them to pass some of this and then they get some blame when it doesn't work. Obama would get to run on "Hey, we tried. You can't hold on me responsible for this lousy economy" If the GOP doesn't pass it he'll run as some modern day incarnation of Harry Truman running against a Do Nothing Congress.
Here's the difference...The GOP House was elected to stop Obama. The big wins we saw last year were a direct response to two years of just this kind of Democratic overreach.
Obama was told by the voters, "Don't Do This Again" and yet here he is offering the same type of wasteful "stimulus" that leads to non-existent "shovel ready" projects and crony capitalism like Solyndra.
It's just one bit of polling but don't forget, by 56-38% people said they are more concerned about increasing the deficit than they are in more spending.
The GOP would be wise to do what they are doing, talk this to death... "Sure, we'd love to find some common ground but as we saw in the wasted "stimulus" and health care bill, giving this President a blank check rushed through Congress is a recipe for disaster."
More importantly, if this bill has to pass "now", John Boehner should say to Obama..."Fine, you do know your party controls the Senate, right? Have Harry Reid call me when he's done and we'll talk".
Given the way Obama's popularity is tanking, his constant threats to "take it to the voters" is pretty lame. They've heard it all and see the results. We're all just counting down until this SCOAMF is gone.

posted by DrewM. at
10:51 AM
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