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September 09, 2011
Richard Trumpka Blames Beck, Limbaugh: 'Pushed the door to hate' After 9/11 [Truman North]
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumpka, conspicuously present at the President's request at the big speech last night, has released a statement calling for union workers to 'redouble their activism' and implicating Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and the usual cast of 'right-wing extremist' boogeymen in the divisiveness, hatred and violence that has mushroomed lately. Pot meet kettle much, you disgraceful thug?
Trumpka also seems to be saying that the only reason anyone could oppose Obama is that he's black. In fact, he lumps those who said they wouldn't vote for a black man (do you know anyone who said that? I don't.) in with those who have (IMO legitimate) questions about the circumstances of his birth.
(While I consider b/c questions legitimate, this in no way reflects upon the beliefs of Ace or the other cobloggers.)
This is Trumpka. The White House's own Richard Trumpka. He of the AFL-CIO, who has said nothing about the apparently MFM-embargoed violent mutiny at the Washington state shipyard.
Cribbed from Gateway Pundit:
In state after state this year—with the heroism of 9/11 less than a decade behind us—politicians targeted the paychecks, benefits and basic rights of these workers in a rabid campaign to shift government support to tax breaks for the wealthy and already profitable corporations.
Wealthy CEOs, anti-government extremist front groups and frothing talk show hosts—from the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks to the Koch brothers, Karl Rove’s American Crossroads group, Americans for Prosperity, the Club for Growth, FreedomWorks and the American Legislative Exchange Council—also pushed open the door to hate.
Really, Richard Trumpka? Really?
If you are in a union, or if you have friends of families in the union, please ask them what they think about their union dues funding this incendiary language. Ask them who th extremists are. Ask them to join the TEA movement if they have not already.
They want a war. They want to take us SOBs out. Show them who you stand with. Not with your guns and your fists, but with your words and your canvassing and your political donations. The last thing we need is to be goaded into a war. Because before a nation can be great, it must be good. And this is feeling a lot like the start of the Second Weimar Republic, with all that goes along with that.
(Published out of draft by Ace.)

posted by Open Blogger at
03:47 PM
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