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Overnight Open Thread - Labor Day Edition »
September 05, 2011
Romney Proves Delusions Aren't Just For Democrats
You know, I'd have more respect for him if he'd repudiate his piece of crap healthcare law. But noooo, he doubles triples down on it.
Mitt Romney, trying to turn a political lemon into lemonade, predicted that his record of enacting a controversial Massachusetts health care law would be "one of my biggest assets" in a campaign debate against President Obama.
Right, Mitt. It's such a phenomenal success.
Oh, wait. It's not.
Five years after Gov. Mitt Romney signed Massachusetts’ groundbreaking health care legislation, it has met its chief goal of extending insurance coverage to most residents — but with costs rising faster than inflation, lawmakers face the challenge of how to pay for it all.
Although the law has extended coverage, it has done little to fundamentally change the way consumers shop for health care, which analysts say is the only lasting solution to ballooning costs.
The current occupant of the White House has proven good at ignoring reality. I don't know why we'd want to continue this, given the problems we face.