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September 30, 2011
Obama: America's Gone Soft
Hm, I wonder how we might have become soft. Peter Kirasow:
There is a soft America and a tough America; a dependent America and an independent America; an entitlement America and a productive America. Which policies are more likely to produce a soft, dependent, and entitlement society? Which ones are more likely to produce a tough, independent, and productive society? The president seems blissfully unaware.
The Obama brand of liberalism not only is likely to contribute to a “softer” America, but a soft-headed America as well. We condemn tea-partiers and veterans as racists and potential terrorists but we release actual terrorists from Guantanamo because the evident cruelties of that country-club facility are too terrible to bear. We demonize the hard-won, self-made success of risk-takers, but shovel millions of their hard-earned dollars to prop up the uncompetitive but politically correct enterprises of the well-connected. Government policies proliferate that punish effort, risk, and success but reward sloth, identity, and failure.
Soft America eschews absolutes, derides standards, ridicules heroes, and scoffs at virtue.
Jonah Goldberg:
I wonder where America could have lost its competitive edge. It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with a government that blows billions on green energy boondoggles while making it harder to drill for oil while trying to make electricity rates “skyrocket.” It couldn’t have to do with extending unemployment benefits to 99 weeks (and rising), or to bailouts or perhaps advice like this offered by Michelle Obama:
“We left corporate America, which is a lot of what we’re asking young people to do,” she tells the women. “Don’t go into corporate America. You know, become teachers. Work for the community. Be social workers. Be a nurse. Those are the careers that we need, and we’re encouraging our young people to do that. But if you make that choice, as we did, to move out of the money-making industry into the helping industry, then your salaries respond.” Faced with that reality, she adds, “many of our bright stars are going into corporate law or hedge-fund management.”
Or maybe it has something to do with the influence of tough leaders like Nancy Pelosi who said Obamacare was a jobs bill because:
“Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance.”
Thank goodness we have Obamacare now so we can compete with the Chinese at photography.
So, it appears the good Doctor Obama has succeeded in spotting the symptoms, but failed abysmally in diagnosing the reasons for his patient's ailing condition.
Hint: He'd breathe better, doctor, if your foot wasn't pressing quite so hard on his throat, and he might show more energy and activity if you weren't keeping him prisoner in a padded room.