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September 14, 2011
Paul Krugman, Sociopath
That was a Newsbusters headline about the 9/11 shame piece.
I'm stealing it.
Paul Krugman, demented liar.
Paul Krugman, malignant dwarf.
Paul Krugman is literally willing to contradict any accepted fact in his field -- and even repudiate all of his old writings -- in order to get a single cheap anti-Republican column out.
There is quite literally nothing he will not lower his already quite-low self to claim. He believes that scholarship is a weakness, and admires what he sees as the dishonest but effective ruthlessness of the GOP; he's adopted what he believes are our tactics. He thinks scholars are nebbishes (okay, most are), and so has decided to re-make himself as a fire-spewing Internet Tough Guy Ignoramus.
Okay. He got part of that done. He is an ignoramus. At least he's profoundly ignorant about what he himself has written in the past.
Woody Allen should pull the younger Paul Krugman out from behind a wall to lecture the older Paul Krugman: "You know nothing of my work..."
But as they say, beware of seeking out monsters to fight, else you become a monster yourself.
In Krugman's case, this would be a stunted sort of monster, like a goblin or some other 1/2 hit die pest. Not the big, puffed-up scary sort of monster he imagines himself to be as he dashes off one deranged, dementia-addled screed after another.

Credit: JohnnyE., plus some likely lead poisoning
Highbrow Truther: College Politico has an interesting take on Krugman-- he calls him a "Highbrow Truther." By which he means that Krugman, while not endorsing the factual claims made by Truthers (which would cause him too much professional embarrassment), nevertheless seems to hint around the edges of a massive conspiracy, just not (necessarily) one with government demolition teams.
P-shop by JohnnyE.