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September 01, 2011
Dum Dum Dum Dummm: Mediaite Calls Upon Boehner To Resign For Dissing the President
Link to JWF.
The mainstream media, and even some in the liberal opinion media, have completely missed the point of President Obama’s dust-up with Speaker John Boehner over the date for Obama’s address before a joint session of Congress. MSM yakkers have advanced the “pox on both their houses” meme, while liberals like Ed Schultz accuse the President of “caving,” all ignoring the fact that Boehner has insulted and disrespected the office of the President of the United States, and should resign.
You're allowed to insult the president. I guess Tommy Christopher has forgotten various liberals, including in the House, of war crimes, or for actual complicity in the murders of 3000 people on 9/11.
And the refusal is not "unprecedented." The precedent is for the President to work these things out, privately, with the House and Senate leaders, and then, once private agreements are reached, announce the request publicly -- at which point it's not really a request, as it's already been agreed to in advance.
This is how the President avoids insulting and disrespecting the Speaker of the House, who is the head of one half of a co-equal branch of government.
Boehner is not Obama's social secretary. Boeher is not the equal of the president, in as much as no one in government is the president's equal, but he is not his underling.
Jay Carney is the president's underling, and is ordered to say stupid crap like the timing of the speech is "coincidental."
Boehner does not have to agree to a thing the president requests.
Now, in the past, this has all gone more smoothly, because, in the past, the President waited for the Speaker to agree before making his request/demand public.
He didn't this time. He made his request, then announced it to the press before Boehner said boo about it.
This really shouldn't be a pissing match on either side; it's a small matter, really.
But the President does not get to boss around the Speaker, period.
If he had followed proper protocol, none of this would have happened.
President "Out of Bounds," Says... James Carville. At Hot Air.
A Washington Post blogger seems to think Obama was out of bounds, too.
After claiming Boeher acted worse (no good reasons given for this, other than I suppose liberal pique), he notes Obama's breaches:
But I’m more disappointed with the White House, because this spat sums up so well the image problems that Obama has faced since the start of his term.
● If the White House has spent months working to appear above the partisan fray – as they insist they have – then pulling a blatantly partisan stunt like this torpedoes all of that PR work.
●Pretending the timing was a coincidence has backfired with the press and pundits. Did the White House really think, when it sent Jay Carney to his press briefing, that people would swallow his line that the timing was “coincidental”?
●In the aftermath of the announcement, the narrative of the afternoon on cable news ran in part that the White House had not cleared the date with the speaker, with some outlets suggesting that Boehner’s office had only been given 15 minutes notice. If true, the White House was disrespectful and should rightly be admonished.
So, yeah, as you can see, clearly Boehner acted more unprofessionally.
Is Tommy Christopher Simply Crazy? He's calling out Adam Baldwin and throwing insults at him and, worse yet, challenging him to settle this face-to-face.
Really, dude?
I know he's not really a soldier or a secret agent but I'm pretty sure he could beat your ass.