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September 01, 2011
Navy Spends Millions of Dollars And Winds Up With Nothing To Show For It Except Awesome
Corrected: Just a Company Pitching Its Wares
Update: Dave @ Garfield Ridge tells me this is really just some inventors trying to stir up interest in their product, and that claims made should therefore be discounted.
Also, I wrote this was a Navy project; that just seems completely wrong. I just saw the reference to the Navy's previous Sea Shadow program and wrote an erroneous sentence in my head.
Lockheed Martin has a patent for a sort-of similar design, but this one featuring a body elevated by two pontoons. But no supercavitation that I see.
Sorry. I thought it looked legit. On FoxNews. But Dave thinks some more skepticism is in order.
"Ghost," a stealth ship capable of 60mph speeds. It somehow creates a layer of gas between its lower planes and the water, taking advantage of the supercavitation effect.
It is built for rapid insertions of special operations commandos and for quick surprise strikes on pirate ships.
It could also be effective against ninjas, I'm guessing, should they get into some stealthy shenanigans.
Swiped from dri in the sidebar. The pirate link was also from the sidebar, from ArthurK.