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September 01, 2011
Hmmmm.....Race To Replace Anthony "Hacked!" Weiner Tied?
It's an internal poll from the GOP so, you know, grain of salt but still....
A GOP poll commissioned for Republican businessman Bob Turner has him tied with New York state Assemblyman David Weprin at 42 percent apiece with 12 days until the election.
This is not the first poll to show the race close: A Siena Research Institute poll conducted in early August had Weprin leading by a narrow six-point margin.
The poll of 300 voters, conducted by GOP pollster McLaughlin & Associates on Wednesday, had a margin of error of plus or minus 5.7 percent.
That's kind of a big margin of error but it's fine print compared to the big headline people will see. At least it replaces the old headline, "Weprin is an idiot". So there's that.
Notably absent in this heavily Democratic district? One Barack Husein Obama.
Democratic congressional hopeful David Weprin is trying to hide unpopular President Obama from the voters in this month's special election to succeed disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner, The Post has learned.
In new literature distributed to voters in the Queens-Brooklyn district, Weprin is trumpeting endorsements by fellow Democrats from Gov. Cuomo to Brooklyn Beep Marty Markowitz -- but Obama is MIA.
A State Democratic Committee mailer lists endorsements of Weprin by Cuomo, Markowitz, Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, City Comptroller John Liu, Public Advocate Bill de Blasio and Queens Borough President Helen Marshall.
Obama -- the titular head of the Democratic Party -- is nowhere to be found.
The Weprin campaign sought to downplay the candidate's decision to distance himself from Obama.
Weprin spokeswoman Elizabeth Kerr wouldn't say whether the candidate has sought or will seek Obama's endorsement, but said Weprin supports Obama.
"I think the president is a little busy," she said
Actually, I'm pretty sure he's pretty free next Wednesday, what with his previous plans falling through and all.

posted by DrewM. at
05:45 PM
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