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September 07, 2011
Norm MacDonald Interviews Robert Duvall
I'm linking this without having listened to it because it just sounds like it must be good.
Norm was guest-hosting Dennis Miller. Duvall is known as a conservative. Norm MacDonald kind of seems like he is. Do they talk about politics? I have no idea, as I haven't listened yet.
Does Not Appear To Be About Politics; Is Completely About Movies. So far. Duvall says he fins The Searchers melodramatic and cory.
That is controversial, at least.
Here's Something: From Allah's twitter feed, some parents will do anything to get their kids famous. Or notorious.
A sort of NSFW article and pic about stage-moms who decide to dress a baby up like the Pretty Woman hooker character.
Sorry for the late warning; it didn't occur to me at first it needed one. Now I see it actually does.