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September 28, 2011
Glenn Beck: I've Had It With Christie's Excuses
He's not complaining about Christie's "tease" (which really has only happened the past week, if at all), but rather the weakness of his reasons for not running.
I quite honestly cannot figure out why he’s not in. I don’t know if he has something to hide; I don’t believe this bullcrap that he’s not qualified. I think it is a political calculation here that maybe he thinks Obama us unbeatable, maybe he has something in his closet – I don’t know.
… Tell me a good reason why you are not going in because I don’t buy this ‘Oh I’m not ready’ or it’s ‘I gotta serve the people’ – bullcrap! Why aren’t you going in?!
I do not believe there is anyone who gets into politics who does not dream of one day being president. It's like being CEO of a company. If you got into an executive position at that company at all, you're probably going to think about being CEO. Unless/until it becomes clear that won't happen, for whatever reason.
But an executive that keeps getting promoted and has a good rapport with his bosses -- why would that guy not keep thinking of one day occupying the Big Chair?
I disagree with Beck that Christie's excuses aren't "good." One "excuse" is just, apparently, that he doesn't feel the call. The call of history, the call of fate. And that he's not ready in his heart (which he's said previously).
That's actually a pretty good reason.
That said, I would not be terribly surprised to find out there is something in Christie's closet that he doesn't want to come out. This is nearly always, as they say, "marital troubles."
That is often the real-but-unstated reason that pols decline when presented with the chance of doing what they have long dreamed of. It did come out, for example, that Mitch Daniels did not want the scrutiny of his marriage/remarriage to his wife.
Someone like Christie, who would be running entirely as Truth Teller, would be obligated to admit whatever past scandal is in his background. Not coming forward with it would result in him not only getting dinged on the thing itself, but losing that precious reputation as "straight-shooting Truth Teller."
So, if it's something like that, Christie has a lot to think about.
A Difference In Perception: Because Christie has made such an impact in the public's consciousness, it doesn't feel to many (by "many" I mean me) that he's only been a governor for a couple of years.
It feels like he's been around longer than that.
I know he hasn't. But it feels like he's a veteran.
When you're building a relationship with someone (friendship, business partnership, etc.), it's not just "duration of relationship" that counts. It's also frequency of contact, obviously. If you work with someone three times a week, you'll wind up feeling you know him better after six months than, say, a friend you only see once every couple of months but have known for ten years.
Because of the YouTube phenomenon, we've seen Christie an awful lot. So much so he feels like an old hand, a veteran.
But in fact he's really a neophyte. He just started.
And for he himself -- things may feel a lot different. While I sort of feel (despite knowing it's not true) that he's been around so long as to be a fixture, for Christie, he might feel every inch of that political novice he actually is.