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September 06, 2011
Reverend Al Sharpton Attacks Governor Nikki Haley... I Assume
I assume, because I have no idea what the hell those noises coming from his food-pipe are.
Transcript we much.
He's kind of like an obese, race-baiting Beaker, but not smart.
And speaking of race-stupidity -- You mad bro?
Very dumb. Apparently it's a catchprase among kids to ask "You mad bro?" when someone is clearly angry, in order to infuriate the target still further. I assume this like saying "Don't be irrational" to someone who's being irrational -- fuel for the fire.
Some kids held up a sign at a football game reading "You mad bro?" and... they are being attacked for racism, because obviously "bro" is a racial slur, and also because no adult bothered to find out what the catchphrase actually means.
That's via DrewM's twitter stream.
Decipher We Much, and We Much: robtr: "I speak sharpton, he said carpool, Nikki Haley has offered to provide carpools for potential voters without id's so they can get an id."
This is like the Da Vinci Code, only fat and stupid and guilty of racial arson.