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September 09, 2011
Cure For Asthma Found in Connecticut
Happy Friday!
Taking a break from banging my head against a wall to bring you some amazing news.
As a Connecticut native, I could not be prouder.
The $569 million busway to Hartford would be an environmental bonanza for central Connecticut by reducing air pollution and blocking urban sprawl, proponents declared at a state hearing on the project Wednesday night.
Building the busway could save some Hartford children from developing asthma, and would encourage developers to salvage long-abandoned industrial properties along the route, speakers said at the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection hearing.
Emphasis mine. This is an exciting day in the world of science and medicine.
Unrelated: the capacity of liberals to float enormous, laughably transparent lies in public never ceases to astound.
Nine miles. Just nine miles of fugly, town bisecting, concrete-enclosed busway can save the children. At merely three to ten times the per-mile cost of a highway.
In that case, it's a bargain!
Even though the state itself acknowledges these buses will be vastly underutilized and will have to be subsidized annually at about 7.5 million per year by Connecticut taxpayers. Even though buses - mostly empty- already run between Hartford and New Britain.
Even though they will have to pave over a preexisting rail line to run....buses. Say, I just had a thought...does anybody know if A TRAIN costs less than half a billion dollars? If it costs less than $200 million, we can get two! Let me know, kthx.
...even though after the busway is finished, we already know that one end of it will have to be torn off, rerouted, and rebuilt because there is a known conflict with another construction plan for I-84 through Hartford in the future. No matter. Let us press on! We'll cross that bridge appropriate that billion dollars when we get there.
We're a blue state. This all makes sense to us.
Because, JOBS.
*goes back to banging head against wall*
If any of you Morons could do me a solid and write to John Boehner, requesting that he nuke Connecticut's request for federal funds to be used on this boondoggle, I would be very grateful.
Oh, that's right, I forgot. You-all will be paying for this, too.

posted by Laura. at
12:14 PM
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