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September 08, 2011
Obama Releases Talking Points To Liberals; Meanwhile, Darrell Issa Is Releasing His Own Talking Points, Publicly, On Twitter
The Teleprompter Presidency is teleprompting its allies. Including lowly bloggers.
The teleprompter script for tonight’s speech by President Barack Obama is still a secret, but the White House’s script for spinning reporters, bloggers, and their audiences has been leaked to The Daily Caller.
The talking points repeat Obama’s favored campaign-trail themes, depicting the economy as a victim of President George W. Bush; the Republicans as unpatriotic and greedy partisans; and Obama as an optimistic, fair-minded, reformist, bipartisan, fiscal moderate.
The proposal will be called "The American Jobs Act." (Clever!) Here is part of the talking points; I don't want to swipe it all from the Daily Caller.
The American Jobs Act is:
based on bi-partisan ideas;
it is fully paid for by closing corporate tax loopholes and asking the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share; and
it will have an impact on job and economic growth NOW — just as soon as Congress acts.
Every day, people in this country are working hard to meet their responsibilities. The question now is whether Washington will meet theirs.
The time for obstruction and gridlock is over. Congress needs to put country ahead of politics.
The American people know that the economic crisis and the deep recession weren’t created overnight and won’t be solved overnight. The economic security of the American middle class has been under attack for decades.
They had to prime liberals with these talking points? Not exactly re-inventing the wheel here, Champ. Pretty much the same weaksauce you say in every single one of your myriad tv appearances.
Meanwhile, Darrell Issa is noting some facts to go along with the administration spin.
REPORT: Will President Obama’s “Son of Stimulus” Produce Same Results as Its Predecessor? 1.usa.gov/o2S8vM
FACT: true unemployment in Obama Economy tops 16%: unemployed+stopped looking REPORT: 1.usa.gov/pWW2Lp #tcot #p2 #jobs
FACT: 1.1 million Americans given up looking for #jobs in @barackobama economy. REPORT: 1.usa.gov/pWW2Lp #tcot #p2 #jobs
FACT: 8.1 million Americans stuck in part time jobs b/c fulltime not available. REPORT: 1.usa.gov/pWW2Lp #tcot #p2 @whitehouse
FACT: less than 55% of Americans have full time jobs-lowest % in modern history REPORT: 1.usa.gov/pWW2Lp #tcot #p2 @whitehouse
FACT: @WhiteHouse said #stimulus keeps unemployment below 8%...it hit 10.1% after REPORT: 1.usa.gov/pWW2Lp #tcot #p2
FACT: #stimulus cost at least $825 billion. 2.3 million jobs lost since. REPORT: 1.usa.gov/pWW2Lp #tcot #p2 @whitehouse
FACT: since #stimulus, America has lost 2.3 million jobs. @GOPOversight REPORT: 1.usa.gov/pWW2Lp #tcot #p2
RT @travelingseas: Spokesperson just on Fox talking abt jobs 2 be created/saved. Ones she mentioned, 5 of 6 pub sector. 6th, construction.
FACT: since #stimulus, America has been decimated by a Stuttering Cluster***k of a Miserable Failure #SCOAMF #PresidentLadiesTee
Okay he didn't say the last one but he should have.
He's not calling this the "The American Jobs Act;" he's calling it "son of stimulus."