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September 17, 2011
Why Stop at Pennsylvania with Electoral Vote Splitting?
It is now unlikely that the electoral vote proposal in Pennsylvania will pass, and there are reasons against going for it, rather thoroughly explained by Nate Silver of the New York Times.
However, set aside the drawbacks and the dimming likelihood for a moment. Republicans control the statehouses and gov mansions in Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin as well. Three of these four have proven themselves election teases, yet in several elections the Republican Presidential candidate won a majority of the congressional districts (Michigan in 2000 and 2004 being the ugliest example of this, with George W Bush clearly winning 10 districts and still losing the state).
Democrats love to push the national popular vote, saying its more just. Well, what is the Republican counter-argument about "justness" and seeking accurate representation of the voters, on a state level? (Warning- large map below)

You know what Democrats, elections have consequences, though the Republicans haven't really taken the electoral bull by the horns. So, if Corbett & Co. are serious in the Keystone state, why aren't we pressuring Snyder, Kasich, and Walker to do the same in theirs? Yes, of course if Democrats took control of Texas, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, etc we could face the reverse. It isn't outside the realm of possibility that Democrats could surge to victory in recapturing the state governments of the Solid South, certainly after their party's enormously popular health care overhaul, budgeting, and tax hike proposals, right?
Anyways, fappable food for thought, brought to life by our own John E.