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September 07, 2011
WaPo Hack: "Obama Has Lost the Hamptons! Oh, BTW, Perry Isn't Electable."
I'm fresh off my vacation, and I needed a good chuckle this morning. WaPo columnist Richard Cohen didn't disappoint:
The Hamptons is where the Democratic energy, money and intellectual firepower of Manhattan goes for R&R. It’s just not another beach.
Over the Labor Day weekend, I went to a number of events in the Hamptons. At all of them, Obama was discussed. At none of them — that’s none — was he defended. That was remarkable. After all, sitting around various lunch and dinner tables were mostly Democrats. Not only that, some of them had been vociferous Obama supporters, giving time and money to his election effort. They were all disillusioned.
Nice humblebrag from Cohen: "The Hamptons are where Democratic intellectual firepower goes to vacay...and I was there, of course." Unfortunately, Cohen's meager observation stumbles off into incoherence from there.
Cohen claims that disenchantment in the Hamptons, like Matt Taibi's, stems in part from Obama's failure to be liberal enough (he cites the ever-repeated Krugman line that the stimulus failed because it didn't raise the deficit enough), but then he writes that these same unhappy folks would consider voting for Mitt Romney or Jon Huntsman, though not Rick Perry.
Huntsman is definitely to the Left of Perry. But Huntsman isn't to the Left of the President and neither is Romney. It's amusing that in the midst of his own personal freak-out over Obama's disillusioned followers, Cohen feels the need to drop in the DNC's continuing attempt to paint Huntsman and Romney as electable and Perry as not. A fine example of Democratic intellectual firepower this is not.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
07:32 AM
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