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September 11, 2011
Remembering 9/11 in Pictures
Rather than putting up a long, maudlin post on 9/11 I thought I'd let these collections of photos do the talking for me.
Iconic 9/11 Pictures from Life Magazine
9/11 Scenes Then and Now
Found artifacts at the 9/11 Museum
How the media has tried to sanitize 9/11 in the years since
Within a few weeks after 9/11 the media stopped showing any video or images deemed 'too raw'. Some of this was well-meaning but I think much of it came from a condescending view that this kind of imagery would only inflame the innate troglodyte nature of the American people and make us run out and attack the nearest random Muslim.
The 9/11 victims America wants to forget: The jumpers
Okay I have to quibble with the title - it's the American media that would prefer we forget about the people who jumped from the burning towers on 9/11. That's why you'll pretty much only see photos of the jumpers on blogs and non-MSM outlets. But otherwise this Daily Mail article is a very good one on who the jumpers were, why they jumped (many may have been unintentional), and what it was like for them on that day.
And never let us forget that nearly 3,000 innocent people were brutally and horrifically murdered. The media agreed among themselves to not show any corpses or body parts but here is a bit of the gruesome reality of what happened on 9/11/2001 [warning: disturbing photo]:
The Human Cost [graphic]
Now multiply this by 2,997 to get an idea of the horror.
Update: One of the best personal accounts of 9/11 I've ever read was Allahpundit's free-form rememberings on Twitter two years ago. Luckily Andy Levy captured it here: Remembering 9/11

posted by Maetenloch at
04:36 PM
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