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Cutting The Cord And Email Security
Moron Meet-Ups
Wow. Grand Jury No Bills Joe Horn
Chertoff's Claim: Border to Be Completely Secure by 2011
In "Survival Mode," Newspapers Slashing Jobs
Even the Archliberal New Yorker Admits Obama's Rhetoric on Iraq is Out-of-Touch and Behind-the-News
Surprise: Networks Ignore Yet Another Successful Missile Defense Test
John Oates to Reunite with Darryl Hall His Mustache to Record Album Fight Crime
Local Democratic Official and Obama Supporter Charged with Aiding and Abetting Assault, Rape, Satan Worship
Obama Determined to End "Unequal Pay" For Women
Quote of the Day
New Bond Trailer
The Keith Olbermann-Glenn Greenwald Catfight
WSJ: Obama, Democrats Lying About "Nonproducing" Oil Leases
16 Injured in French Army Shooting Demonstration When Real Bullets Are Used Instead of Blanks
Obama Gives Speech On Patriotism
Totten Travelogue: Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo
Google is shutting down anti-Obama blogs
Wesley Clark: McCain Doesn't Have Much Experience Besides Getting Shot Down
Obama ’08: It’s Not Just A Campaign, It’s A Cult!
Letting Everybody In On The Joke
Terrorists Go Boom...Talladega Nights Edition
Venus Williams Bangs Out a 127 mph Serve at Wimbledon
About The Blog Situation
McCain And Obama Address The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials
EU Parliamentarians Scurry Like Rats [dri]
France Is One Messed Up Country
Your Daily Emetic [McGurk]
"There Is Nothing Wrong With Me"
This Explains An Awful Lot About Cellphones
More Judicial Activism: Duke Football Sucks, eh!* [krakatoa]
Florida Woman Markets Her Sunny, Renovated Fixer-Upper with Breathtaking Rear View, and Also Her House
Guess That Party!
More Retard Tours
Surfing the World's Longest Wave; The Amazon Pororoca [dri]
The Federal Marriage Amendment is Back; RELATED: McCain Courts Social Cons
Top Al Qaeda Leader for Mosul Meets Former Australian Comic Yahoo Serious and Maker, but Mostly Maker
BBC Debuts "Britain's Hottest Amputee Model"
Peggy Noonan: "That's my boy."
Finally: Action-Adventure Snow-Globes!
Mahdi Army Decimated; Analysts Call Sadr's Victory "Inevitable"
Canadian HRC Drops Prosecution of MacLean's/Steyn
Rolling Stone Gush Review for Batman
McCain On Immigration Reform: It Ain't Over Yet!
Michael Totten: Kosovo is Not an Islamist Beachhead
Campaign Finance Reform Took A Hit Yesterday
Justice Stevens Should Be Keeping a Closer Eye on His Clerks
Napping Pilots Overshoot Airport By 359 Miles
Attempt To Roll Back Internet Gambling Prohibition Fails In House Committee
Democratic Congressman Delahunt: "I'm glad [Al Qaeda terrorists] finally have a chance to see you, Mr. Addington"
Polls: In Battlelground States, Majorities Favor Keeping Troops in Iraq Until Situation is "Stable"
AP Reporter Shamefully Suggests Child-Rapist/Genital-Multilator Patrick Kennedy Might Have Been Innocent
Terrorist Sami Al-Arian Indicted of Contempt for Refusing to Testify in Terror Case
UN "Human Rights Council" Bans Criticism of Islam
First Ever Support-the-Troops Internet Telethon
Live Hot MILF in Glasses Demands You "Tap It"
60 Year Old Cougar Teacher Has Sex with Teens, Police Say
Arctic Ice Receeding Because of Massive Lava-Flow from Undersea Volcanoes?
Canadian HRC Now Going After Comedian Who Insulted Hecklers
Keith Olberman: Worst Person in the World Tim Russert Funeral Ceremony
Obama "Shucks and Jives" on Heller
Viva Villa: Three Mexican Army Members Raid US Home in Full Tactical Gear; Arrested for Murder Update: Or Did They?
Some Politicians Talking Up Ignoring Supreme Court Child-Rape Decision
Lara Logan, In-Bedded Reporter
Mike Klonsky Now Under the Bus Too
Another Successful Test of an Unproven Missile Defense System
BREAKING: Supreme Court Holds D.C. Gun Ban Unconstitutional
Patrick Kennedy's Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Democrats Now Threatening Oil Exploration in Other Countries, Too
Heh: "Baby Alexander Hamilton"
Anyone worried about the "Heller" case after some of the Supremes' latest rulings?
Barack Obama "Birth Certificate" -- Conclusively Fake?
An Inconvenient Posse
The Sex Tape We've All Been Waiting For: Verne "Mini-Me" Troyer
Incumbent Rep. Chris Cannon Loses Primary to Underfunded Challenger -- Over Amnesty
Report: McCain To Have Republicans Cut Back On Voter Fraud Efforts
Shock: MTV Lifts Ban on Political Advertising for First Time in Outlet's History
Yet Another Maoist Radical Is Now Blogging for Him
John McCain…There’s Apparently No Problem Government Can’t Solve
Obama Throws Scarlett Johansson Under The Bus
Digging In To Kennedy v. Louisiana
No Ruling on D.C. Gun Ban Today; Death Penalty Under Eighth Amendment Attack
Columbia Professor in “Noose” Case Fired for Plagiarism (genghis)
While My Plastic Ukulele Gently Weeps [dri]
Evening News Roundup (genghis)
Obama Making Ad Buys to Swing State Legislative Elections and Lock Up Redistricting?
Bolivia's Annual "Punch Your Neighbor In the Face" Festival
A Man Worthy of Your Contempt
Bush Derangement Syndrome, the American Tour
South Park vs. Heavy Metal
Shaq-Kobe Rivalry Reaches Lofty Heights of Lincoln-Douglas Debates
John Bolton Predicts Israel Will Attack Iran Before Next President Is Sworn In
Pac-Man Jones: "I Was Very Upset By [Imus'] Comments... I Will Pray for Him"
MSNBC: Israel Violates Hamas Ceasefire By Allowing Itself to Be Attacked By Rockets
Some Women Don't Like iPhones
Rescue Party Gives Up on Search for Stranded Female Hiker, Until They Notice Her Double-D Bra
Report: Slublog Again Attempts to Prove He's No Homo
US Troops Reduce "Carbon Footprint" of 55 Taliban and Three "Key" Leaders to Zero By Providing Them with Solar-Electric Cars and Precision-Guided Death, But Mostly Precision-Guided Death
"This is the kind of spontaneous publicity - your name in print - that makes people. I'm in print! Things are going to start happening to me now" *
Slate Contributor Announces Dating Availability Online
Hmmm...: Majority of Californians Now Supports Offshore Driling, Too
Hot MILF in Glasses Demands Long, Vigorous Drilling -- Now
The Scary Military Might of Iran
Imus: I Just Meant Pac-Man Was Being Picked On 'Cuz He Was Black
Key Obama constituency identified: jailbirds
DC v. Heller: A non-lawyer's thoughts on "original intent"
Imus Again Seems to Step in It, This Time Going After Nappy-Headed Former Football Players
Gaffe Of The Day...This Time By McCain Adviser Charlie Black
Tasty Rumor/Speculation: Scalia Writing the Majority Opinion on DC Guns Case
Kosovo Sniper Alert: Barack Obama Takes Credit for Vet Bill He Didn't Contribute to and In Fact Didn't Even Vote On
Will Bush Strike Iran if Obama is Elected?
Obama Campaign Dumps "Presidential Seal"
"," the Fetish Porn Site for Those Into Gay Hobo Sex
NASA Global Warming Thug James Hansen to Call For "Crimes Againt Humanity" Charges Against Those Who "Spread Doubt" About His Hysterical Doomsayings
Backyard Paris
Another Milestone In Iraq…US To Handover Anbar Province To Iraqi Security Forces.
That "Lost" Amazon Tribe? Yeah, Not So Much... [mesablue]
McCain’s Energy Plan, Do Everything But The Obvious
How To Speak Democrat [dri]
George Carlin, Dead at 71 (genghis)
Climate "Scientist" Has No Credibility (Updated)
2008 Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot (genghis)
Rachel Lucas Rants About the Gloucester 17
Obama Picks Up Support of Democratic Superdelegate Kim Jong-Il
I Shall Call Them: Hawkeyes
Flying cars are already obsolete
Star Wars Obama Crawl [dri]
NYT Discovers Surge Has Worked Just as Last of Surge Troops Are Coming Home
Science: AoS plays important part in social interaction
Left Claims Scalia Lied in Stating That Terrorists Released from Gitmo Went Back to Terrorizing
Poland Drags Feet on Missile Defense
Friday Night Flamewar (genghis)
Matthew Yglesias: The Solution to Higher Gas Prices is... Even Higher Gas Prices
Obama Debuts (for Real) His Own Very Special Pre-Presidential Seal
Official Airline of the AoSHQ Lifestyle: Airline CEO Promises Super-Luxe Business Class Featuring "Beds and Blowjobs"
Shock Poll Gives Obama Fifteen Point Edge
Brave Islamic Warriors Scraping Bottom of Barrel for Video of Brave Islamic Warrioring
Double Whammy: Not Only Will McCain Have No Money, But 527 Groups Won't Be Helping Him Either
The New Yorker -- Not Just Irrelevant, But Stupid Too!
Andrew Sullivan Extremely Excited That Barack Obama Has "Cunning" To Lie, Abandon Principle, and Ruthlessly Act in Own Best Interests
Shock: New Techology Employed to Create Porn
Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann Jockey for Right to Desecrate Tim Russert's Legacy
Silly: Left Freaks Out Over McCain's "I Didn't Really Love America" Statement
Speaking Before Hispanics, McCain Promises to Immediately Fight for Comprehensive Piece of Shit
Heh: Switch Hitter vs. Switch Pitcher
NYT: Obama Is Killing Public Financing System
Dark Triad: Combination of Narcissim, Sociopathy, and Psychopathy Helped James Bond Get Pussy Galore
US Officials: Israel Seems to be Rehearsing for Iran Strike
Once Again Moqtada al-Sadr Proves Military Genius By Completely Surrendering Control Of An Iraqi City
House Votes 268-155 To Continue Funding War Effort
Sam Nunn?
Faux Pas: Recently Found "6th Foot" Actually a Crude Hoax
General Casey finally clues up
Canadian Court Overturns... Parent's Grounding of Child for Posting "Inappropriate" Pictures of Herself the Internet
Of Course: Phelpsian Phlamers Heckle Tim Russert's Funeral
Intel: Hezballah "A-Team" Terrorists Prepared to Strike Jewish/Israeli Targets in Latin America, Canada?
Rasmussen: McCain Up By 8 in Florida; No Damage, It Seems, From Offshore Drilling Position
McCain's Open Mind on ANWR, Reconsidered
Floating Feet Mystery Easily Explained?
Marine Prosecutors Appeal Decision to Dismiss Charges Against Lt. Col. Chessani
McCain at Townhall Meeting: "I'd be more than happy to examine [my ANWR position] again"
Surveillance Deal Reached, Including Telecom Immunity Provision
Clone Wars: Cancer Victim Injected With Billions of Reinforcement Immuno Cells Cloned From His Own Body; Free of Tumors Eight Weeks Later
Yet Another Severed Foot Washes Up Ashore in British Columbia
More Obama Fun: Campaign Denies Michelle Makeover
Taliban Able To Take Villages. Hold On To Them? Not So Much
Obama: Public Financing Is For Suckers And Candidates Who Can’t Raise $100 Million A Month And His Grandmother Didn't Raise Any Suckers...UPDATE: Is Obama Camp Lying About Meetings On Issue?
Gas/Diesel fuel taxes are going up soon
A "News Organization" and CBS Report: Global Seismic Activity Worse Than Eveh
Maybe Chris Dodd needed that Countrywide loan to pay for his new residence...In Iowa?
Mongol: Unauthorized Biography on Film (genghis)
Obama Foreign Policy Adviser: The Messiah Isn’t Naïve, He’s Just Stupid Or Something
Yes, Finally: Cheetos Porn
Lemon Country: Japan's Booming "Elder Porn" Porn Industry
Obama's Shifting Positions on Iraq Seemed to Coincide With How Invested Tony Rezko Was in Iraq Dealings at the Moment
Okay, the Site's Going...
Chris Dodd Was Informed of Special VIP Status Regarding Countrywide Loan, But Claims He Never Suspected That Gave Him a Special Rate
Kos' Supposed Obama Birth Certificate -- F A K E ? Update: Maybe Not Update: Dead Issue, Says Charles Johnson
Yet Another Disgraced, Arrested Obama Adviser
"400 Billion Barrel" Bakken Formation an Internet Myth
Ka-Ching: The AP Owes Michelle Malkin $132,000
Democrats…Rudy Had A Pre 9/11 Mindset Prior To Um, 9/11
John McCain 'Haiku' Exposition
Obama v. The Iraqi Foreign Minister
Firefox 3... Sort of Sucks [someone]
8 Terrorists Killed By Lack Of Due Process And A Combination Of One Hellfire Missile And Many, Many 30MM Rounds
Student voted "Most Likely to Be a Martyr."
McCain finally gets it? Wants to lift federal restrictions on Oil companies. [Aurvant]
The MSM Condemnation of Harsh Pentagon Lawyers
Moron Steals Steamroller, Gets Himself Killed, Family May Sue (genghis)
AP Quotes from Patterico; No Word Yet if Payment Will Be Forthcoming
Foreign Poohlicy
And So It Begins: Terrorist Who Killed US Soldier in Grenade Attack Petitions for Release -- Because He Wasn't Read His Rights
Some News Organization Reports Disovery of "Super-Earths"
AP Announces $2.50 Per Word Charge for Quoting its Stories; Blogger Suggests Counter-Offer
Fat Moon on the Rise: Tomorrow Night Will Feature a Noticeably Huge Moon
Florida Gov. Crist Reverses Position on Offshore Drilling
Freegan: "It's like a treasure hunt" -- if You Define "Garbage" as "Treasure"
Teacher, 14-Year-Old Male Student Found After Going Missing
Judge Dismisses Charges Against Second-to-Last Haditha Marine, Citing Improper Command Influence in Proceeding
Celibate Monk Pens Guide on Better Sex
Rasmussen: 67% Support Offshore Drilling, 64% Believe It's at Least Somewhat Likely it Will Reduce Prices
Conservative Bloggers Still Pushing McCain Called His Wife a Bad Word
Breaking: Charges Against Marine Lt. Col Jeffrey Chessani Dismissed
Dr. Doolittle
The Foreign Policy of Pooh
Ace Quote Poll [dri]
The Anointing
Genetically-Modified Bugs Eat Waste, Excrete Crude Oil?
Rejecting "Safe, Focus-Group Tested Message," Barack Obama Gives Bold and Controversial Father's Day Speech Promoting Fatherhood
Bush Announces Over-the-Horizon Redployment of 34,000 Troops out of Iraq
Saudi Arabia, US Will Combine to Produce Another 200,000 Barrels of Oil Per Day in July
Anbar Casualties Drop to All-Time Low
al-Sadr Scores Another Huge Win Against Coalition Troops
More Hate from HuffPo
Alex Kozinski's Wife: LAT Lied About What Was on My Husband's "Website"
Hundreds of Taliban occupy Afghan villages…for the moment (genghis)
Ummm...maybe we can drill our way out of this
No Bounce for Obama
Oh Noes! Kate Beckinsale Demands Body Double For Nude Scene
Shocker! Obama’s Years As A Community Organizer Produced More Talk Than Action
Do Androids Dream of Electric Pimps? [krakatoa]
Family-Friendly Sex Stores, Wha?
Giant Sea Turtle Returns to Texas
Gore Vidal: McCain's Story About Being a POW is fake
Happy Father's Day
Obama's Bad Math
The Passing of Isildur’s Final Heir (genghis)
Kathy's got a way with words
Happy Birthday, GI Joe. Have an NLOS-C with your cake. [krakatoa]
American Birthdays [dri]
PTSD, or just Plain Crazy? Vet vs Vampire! [krakatoa]
It Sucks to Be You
Fightin' Fightin' Nutroots Worry That "Right Wing Crazies" Will Go On Violent Rampage, Start Civil War If Obama Is Elected [Nice Deb]
Obama: The Chicago Way Candidate
Anybody Up For A Hobo Hunting Trip To Southern California?[eddiebear]
Conservative Babe Poll [dri]
Combo Friday Night Flame War/Music Video Thread (genghis)
Outrage: Pluto, Already Demoted from Planet to "Dwarf Planet," Now Stripped of Even that Dignity and Called a "Plutoid"
Battlestar Galactica: Revelations Discussion Thread
Two Atheists Arguing
Conservative Bloggers Now Spreading Vicious Rumor that Barack Obama May Be "Terrorist Connected"
Indiana Supreme Court Upholds Privilege of Corporal Punishment
It's Funny, and It's True
Dumb: Study Purports to Find Link Between Atheism and Higher IQ's
Congress Stripped the Supreme Court of Jurisdiction in Terrorist Cases, But the Supreme Court Ignores It
NBC Anchor Tim Russert Dead from Heart Attack
Breaking: 1100 Prisoners, 400 of which are Taliban, Escape from Khandahar Jail
Sen. Kent Conrad Got Special Senator-Only Mortgate from Countrywide Exec; Furthemore Never Disclosed the Home in All His Disclosure Filings
Democrats, Always In Favor of Expanding Domestic Production
200 AD d20
Chuck Norris: Drill Now or I'll Kick You in the Medulla Oblongata
Obama Chickens Out On Appearances With McCain
Ireland Rejects EU Referendum
The Handwriting is On the Wall
My Last Word on Boumediene
Does Barack Obama Read Ace Of Spades? UPDATE: Confirmed!
Are These The Pakistani Soldiers That Were Killed By the US?
McCain's Stupid Townhall Meeting Thread
The Empire Gets Down
Cougar Alert: Two Suburban Moms Accused of Turning Innocent Sleep-Over Into Full-On Sex Orgy
Does the Liar Jay Carney Even Read His Own Crap Magazine?
Time Liar Jay Carney: Michelle "Whitey" Rumor Circulated By... (Wait for It...) Conservative Bloggers
Punked: School Teachers Tell High School Students That Several of Their Classmates Were Killed in Horrific Car Accidents... But They Weren't
VDH: The Moral Case for Drilling
Breaking: Yahoo Once Again Asserts It's Not Selling Out to Microsoft
Puppy-Throwing Marine Expelled From the Service
The Ruling
Open Thread
BREAKING: Supreme Court Gives Guantanamo Detainees Habeas Rights
BREAKING: Supreme Court Rules Gitmo Detainees Have Constitutional Rights To Federal Courts
Battlestar Galactica: Mid-Season Finale Early Screening
New Hobo Poll [dri]
Bobby Jindal, Exorcist?
The Ten Worst Products for Men, Ever
Shocker: Federal Judge Knows Pornography When He Sees It When He Posts It Online In His Private Porn Website
Internet As We Know It Will Be Shut Down by 2012, Says Girl With Big Pendulous Tits
Democrats Block Attempt to Open Up Offshore Drilling Fifty+ Miles Off Coast
The Politically Incorrect Etymology of the Word "Bad"
Hush Rush: The "Fairness" Doctrine Crowd Slips a Stealth Provision That Will Likely Lead to the End of Talk Radio
Obama: I Never Called for a Withdrawal (?!?!) Correction: Seems More "Evolution" Than Flip-Flop; Tape IDs Itself as From 2004
Beep Beep
Old Bailey Criminal Transcripts Now Online and Searchable
Obama: High Gas Prices are Just Fine By Me, I Just Wish We Could Have Raised Them More Slowly Update: Nurse Bloomberg Says Raise Taxes on Gas, It's the Only Way To Force People To Use Less
NY State Judges Sue for Raises
Breaking: Jim Johnson, Who Wasn't "Working" For Obama at All Anyway, Somehow Nevertheless Manages to Resign from His Employ
McCain: I Could No More Drill In ANWR Than I Could Drill In My White Grandmother
Good Backgrounder on Obama's "Tangential" Adviser
AoS Lifestyle Crisis In Canada…They’ve Run Out Of Strippers
Mayor Greg Nickels Decides Which Constitutional Rights Apply In Seattle (AndrewsDad)
Tuesday Night Stupid
Gazprom Head: Are You Ready for $250/Barrel Oil?
Fruitbats Worry That "Brown Note" May Be Used Against Them at Denver Convention
My Weekend of Firearms
A Conspiracy So Vast: Jay Rockefeller's Slapdash Report Ripped Apart by Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Obama's Huge, Bloated, Spendy Campaign Previews His Presidency: Spending 114% of What He's Taking In
A Surge in Media Optimism on Iraq?
Oh, For Crying out Loud...
"Cornhole: The Movie"
Gallup: Fewer Americans Blame Oil Companies, More Americans Say Drill
Obama's Birth Certificate Rumors
Israeli Diplomatic Method a lesson for Barack? [krakatoa]
Sheik Ahmad al-Rishawi offers Anbar awakening troops for Afghanistan
Surfin' Messiah
Jeremy Clarkson Reviews the Toyota Prius
Deliverence: Jesse Jackson Jr. Says Obama's Victory So Epochal "Another Chapter of the Bible Could Be Added to Chronicle Its Significance"
Too Cool
Yet Another Major Obama Flip-Flop
Dr. De Cock: AIDS Just Is Not a Heterosexual Pandemic, Despite False Claims
Judge Forbids Use of the Word "Rape" in a Rape Trial; UPDATE
NYT Idiot Wants "Elite Status" Recognition for His Starbucks Patronage
Boeing Laser "Breakthrough" Produces First Solid-State 25kW Beam, Scalable Up To 100 kW in Next Several Years
The Greening Earth: Earth's Vegetation Spikes During Past Two Decades
WaPo: Bush Didn't Lie
Dear Mr. President,
Anniversary of 'Pingpong Diplomacy'
No Fast Zombies at the Apocalypse [dri]
Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just glad to see me? (genghis)
Where'd That "Obama=Lightworker" Stuff Come From?
Biofuel backlash (genghis)
Democrat Nelson Wants to End the Electoral College
I Count Dead People votes. [krakatoa]
Republicans need to propose a future and work towards it (chad)
Guy Goes Nuts in Office: Now in color with sound [dri]
Dude, Where's My TelePrompter?
Yup, Open Blog
The Messiah Knows All, Sees All, Predicts Future [Nice Deb]
Clinton Suspends Campaign; Will Endorse Obama Open Thread
Breaking: Seattle Parks Department also bans volcanoes and forest fires (genghis)
Tainted Cheese fuels TB rise in California (genghis)
Former Hill Superdelegate Claims He Was Informed of Explicitly Racial Strategy for Beating Obama
Battlestar Galactica: Hub Discussion Thread
"Unproven Missile Defense Systems"
French Army Falling Apart/On Verge of Collapse, Say Leaked Docs
That Bear-Suit Guy: Stealth Mode! Action Movie Stunts!
Naked Man Rescued from Having "Immersed Himself in Holding Tank" of Porta-John
Jenna Fisher Tearfully Confesses: "HOLLYWOOD TURNED ME OUT AS A HOOKER FOR TWO WEEKS!!!"
Vid: February's B2 Crash
Well, that's certainly more important than D-Day
Barck Obama: "Lightworker"
MKH's Last HamNation
More Science
Want to Give a Wounded Vet a Diversion? Update: Ace of Spades HQ Readers Come Through
Yawn: Yet Another Successful Test of an ABM
Claim: Levitation Engineered Via Anti-Gravity Anti-Some-Force-I-Never-Heard-of-Before
Distant Sunset on Mars
Seattle May Outlaw Beach Bonfires to Reduce Risk of Wildfilres Global Warming
Teddy Bear GPS System
Jobless Rate Spikes Up to 5.5%, Highest Rate In 3 1/2 Years
Barack Obama Starring in "Friends"
GOP Senators Come Through And Block Climate Change Legislation
Bush "lied"?
Jack Lucas, USMC, RIP
Inadequate Black Man Alert Wednesday Before AIPAC: "Jerusalem Must Remain Undivided" Thursday After Criticsm from Palestinians: Um, Well, Gee, Maybe Not, We'll Have to Negotiate That
Two Guys Scale NY Times Building
Video Game Invites Players to Murder Religious Figures Through History
It Takes a Village to Leave a 78-Year-Old Unconscious Hit-and-Run Victim Lying in the Street
Spoof of Alien Vid?
Khalid Sheik Mohammed, Ramzi Binalshibh Both Ask For "Martyrdom"
Investigate Hansen and NASA: Agency Is Doctoring Temperatures In an Effort to Vindicate Global Warming Theories
DJIA Soars Nearly 200 Points on Jobs Report, Stimulus Check Spending
Creepy: Wasp Body Snatchers
Cheap Trick: Germans Keep Alzheimer's Patients from Wandering off By Baiting them With Fake Bus Stops
TAPSS: Stick a Barret .50 Cal on a UAV and You've Got One Highly Mobile Sniper
Abortion Survivor Weighs In On Obama's "Moderation"
Amusing: ABCNews on Obama's Bottom Ten Choices for VP
Hillary…The Dream Is Dead
The Moustache Speaks…And It Doesn’t Think Much Of Obama
Obama Is a Freakin' Idiot and His Followers Are Even Dumber
1st Lt. Andrew Grayson, Acquitted On Haditha Charges
Hills to Endorse Inadequate Black Man, Whose Only Qualification is a Speech He Gave in 2004, on Friday
Science Thwarted By Small-Minded Simpletons
And Again: World Temperatures Fall In May
Another Flip-Flop: Obama Now Says "Gee, Maybe the Iranian Revoutionary Guards Should Be Designated Terrorists After All"
Callin' Shit By Different Names: Obama Vows His Plan for Withdrawal From Iraq is Actually a "Plan for Victory" Missed the Headline? Supports Contiguous Palestinian State
Company Will Send Out Emails to Your Left-Behind Friends After the Rapture, for Just $40 Per Year
Teen's Notebook Tells of Wanting to "Break the [School] Shooting Record" for "Instant Recognition"
Hokay, See if You Can Follow This: Dude Marries Woman. Dude Gets Sex Change and Divorces Wife. Now, Years Later, as a "Woman," Dude Re-Marries Ex-Wife in Civil Union.
McCain Proposes 10 Joint Town Halls With The Obamessiah
George Lucas: Barack Obama is My Hero
"Whitey" Tape Looking Pretty Shady
Shock: Obama's Position on Iran Evolves, Coincidentally While Speaking Before Pro-Israel Group
Hump Day Anti-McCain Ad On Youtube
Excitable Andy goes wobbly on the surge re:Obama
Best Essay on Iraq You'll Read This Month
Live Blogging the Night's Lack of News
The Lima Company Memorial
The Last Stupid Primary Returns Thread
"High Level" Source Frets Keith Olbermann Is Tainting MSNBC as an Amateurish, Partisan Hackatorium
Nasty: Drunk, Sleeping Driver Crashes Into Bike Race
Barack Obama's Palestinian Buddy Says Obama's Anti-Israel, But Has Changed His Stripes
Thrill Moves From Chris Matthews' Leg to His Diaphragm: "I'm getting giggles!"
NYC Murders Double Iraq US Deaths in May
Pussy Comitatus: DUmmies Want to Form Citizens' Arrest Committees to Start Rounding Us Up
Canadian University Student Government Bans Pro-Life Advocacy
Heh: Airlines Pondering Basing Ticket Price on Passenger's Weight
Pfather Pfleger Pfired Pfor Pfiery Pfalsehoods
Larry Johnson Claims "BOMBSHELL" on Michelle Obama Will Drop Tomorrow
Michelle Obama Poses With Mrs. Louis Farrakhan
Study: Conservatives More Honest Than Liberals
Worst Criminal Ever
Good News! McCain And Obama Pass The Global Global Warming Test
The AP Says The Chosen One Clinches
Hillary To Concede? UPDATE: Clinton Camp Says No
Mass. Hits Citizens Who Refuse to Buy Health Insurance With Fines
PETA's Self-Parody
2005 "Hurricane Predictions indicate Global Warming will kill us all" - 2008 "Those Assholes with the Hurricane Models are full of crap"
Report: Bill Clinton Tapping More Road-Ass Than Even Dokken in Their Prime
Inventor of Pringles and Snazzy Stacked-Chip Packaging System Dies; Buried in a Pringles Tube
Obama and the AIDS Conspiracy [dri]
Your Very Professional Media At Work
Democratic Rep: By Opposing the Surge, We Actually Encouraged the President to Enact the Surge, Which in Turn Resulted in Victory... and You're Welcome
Shocker of the Day: Scottie McClellan's Book Proposal Defended Bush, Attacked the Liberal Media
Hilary Has 76% Support From Angry Old Lunatic Harpy Demographic
Kinda Funny: Sandler Sings Bond Ballad "Nobody Does It Better" About... Himself
Hillary Stops Thinkin' About Tomorrow?
Keith Olbermann's Delinquent NY Taxes Now Top $150,000
And Now FARC, Too?
Taliban Loses to Adam Sandler for "Best Scraggly Beard" at MTV Movie Awards and Also to "Precise, Surgical" Special Forces Strikes, but Mostly the Strikes
Where Does "Tank" Abbot Go To Get His Reputation Back?
Court Orders Over 400 Kids Returned To Parents In Texas Compound Case
WaPo Asks: Why Is No One Noticing the Successes in Iraq?
PFC Ross Andrew McGinnis Medal Of Honor Recipient
Clinton Campaign Winding Down
Larry Johnson’s “New And Dramatic Developments”…Not So Much
Australia lowers the flag - Bringing their troops home. (Aurvant)
Obama/Clinton/McCain all sign Darfur statement
AP redefines the word “recession” (genghis)
Clinton Leads the Popular Vote? Maybe, Maybe Not. But Does it Matter?
Enough politics - how about a nice Johnny Rotten interview?
Larry Johnson Claiming Big Doings on Alleged Michelle Obama Anti-"Whitey" Videotape
Its going to happen! [McGurk]
Government-run Healthcare Is a Killer
Allah-pundit Sex Aid demo. [krakatoa]
ABC (Australia) Game Calculates When You Should Die For Using Up Your "Fair Share" of Earth's Resources
Big Fire At Universal Studios
Still Evil in Basra
Why are we only finding out about this person now? [John F Not Kerry] Widgets
Now Available!The Deplorable Gourmet A Horde-sourced Cookbook [All profits go to charity]
Top Headlines
Podcast: Sefton and CBD agree about Trump's silly $5k checks, Islam is an existential evil, Ukraine is a mess, and more!
I prefer the heat. I can always wear shorts and flip-flops if it gets hot. But when it's below freezing it's not like I can just put pants on. -- Disinterested FDA Director
fraudulent journalism at CBS : 60 Minutes interviewed two people who lost their jobs as a result of DOGE overhauling USAID. Kristina Drye & Adam Dubard emoted on behalf of thousands of USAID employees who have been terminated, but neither Kristina nor Adam was actually an employee of USAID. Clever word parsing and dishonest editing conveyed otherwise. [Buck]
The Spectator Index
BREAKING: Reuters reports that 'mass firings' of US government employees has begun
I just realized that Monday is President's Day. I'm going to work a half-day. I'll post stuff but probably on an 80-90 minute schedule, unless it's a big news day. This Drumpf character is wearing me out!!!
Podcast: CBD and J.J. Sefton are joined by Historian and pundit
Michael Walsh to discuss the new American psyche, Gaza, Men and Women and how they are different, and more!
Chuck Grassley
NEWS Sen Judic Cmte advanced Kash Patel's nomination to be FBI Dir 12-10
Senate floor vote comes next
Brooke Rollins was confirmed as SecAg by big margin, like 74-26 or something like that
If Trump pulls this off, he'll have an excellent chance to be snubbed for the Nobel Peace Prize! -- Posted by: Don Black
Joe Rogan:
Autism Capital
JOE ROGAN: "People are worried that Elon is going to steal everyone's money. He has $400B. Elon's not going to steal your money. That's not what he's doing. He's a super genius that has been f**ked with. When you've been f**ked with by these nitwits that hide behind 3-letter agencies, and you're dealing with one of the smartest people alive helping Donald Trump get into office and find out what corruption is really going on, you f**ked up.
You f**ked up and picked the wrong psychopath on the spectrum. He's going to hunt you down and find out what's going on, and that's good for everybody. That's how you should be looking at this, like 'Wow, we have a brilliant mind examining these really corrupt and goofy systems and bringing in a bunch of psychopath wizards."
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