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June 04, 2008
Excitable Andy goes wobbly on the surge re:Obama
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.
...Petraeus deserves the lion's share of the credit; luck and time and the self-defeating nihilism of the Jihadists have helped. But Bush and McCain equally merit points for pursuing the surge, even though the metrics pointed to failure. Obama needs to capitalize on these gains, not dismiss them.
Capitalizing on something you've been dissing for years may be somewhat problematic. The public is dumb, but they ain't that dumb. I'm thinking there isn't much room in the hope/change mantra for transparent political opportunism that would be obvious to 5 year old.
Below the fold - Official 2009 Democrat Party Statement on Iraq (lifted shamelessly from a comment by Just Askin over at CY)
Official Democratic Statement on the Iraq War, February 2009:
Today, President Barack Obama announced the end of hostilities in Iraq, and all U.S. forces are being withdrawn from that country posthaste.
"Our success in Iraq is because of our failures," the President said in his official statement. "As I predicted in 2006, the surge of troops instituted by the previous administration was a futile effort. This futility has led directly to our victory."
Obama also stated that his recent 275% tax increase is actually a tax decrease and the current record unemployment that zoomed to 87.3% since his inauguration has been a boon to the economy.
"At this rate," Obama said, "the nation's impending collapse will lead to unequaled prosperity."