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June 07, 2008
Clinton Suspends Campaign; Will Endorse Obama
Open Thread
Well, after being forty-five minutes late, she's giving a forceful appeal for her voters to support Obama. Yes, she's only suspending her campaign (as opposed to conceding), but there's nothing equivocal this speech.
Healthcare, healthcare, healthcare. Sometimes I forget how batshit crazy liberals are about crippling health services in this country. She has merely to say the word "healthcare" and they clap and scream like idiots. McCain better have some quoteworthy rejoinders on the topic because Obama is going to be talking about it nonstop.
Speech will be at noon ET. I expect a lot of talk about unifying the Democratic party.
Aides claim that the vice presidency was not discussed at the super-secret meeting and that Clinton is not interested in the job. If so, it's a good thing, but the credibility of anonymous campaign aides is at an all-time low, dontcha think?
This is an open thread.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
11:51 AM
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