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June 17, 2008
Some News Organization Reports Disovery of "Super-Earths"
A certain news organization is on crack if they believe that it's somehow difficult for a professional (of a sort) writer to briefly paraphrase their nitwit reportage.
It's not difficult. It's just a hassle.
So here's the story (no citation):
Astronomers probing the galaxy for additional planets have found three terrestrial-type (Earth-like, rocky, as opposed to gas giants) which range in size from twice to ten times the earth's mass.
Such "exoplanets" are too far away to be photographed or otherwise visually image but are instead detected indirectly, usually by observing the wobble in the star they orbit caused by their own gravitational tug.
Numerous gas giants have been discovered orbiting distant stars in the past. But they're relatively easy to spot, as they're enormous. Finding the terrestrials is tricky. (Not sure if that was in this article, but it's true.)
This unnamed news organization claims that the discovery shows there are more planets in the universe than previously imagined, which is, by the way, the sort of hype and bullshit the MSM routinely serves to us, because astronomers have long believed that planets were not just common, they were nearly obligatory, and really simply have not have confirmation of this widespread hunch previously.
There. An unnamed news organization cost me five minutes of my time.
I can do this all day.
Thanks to jenjhis.
Visual! The news organization in question includes a lame graphic of a star and a planet, as if you can't imagine what that might look like.
To give my digest similar visual punch, here's one of the Eagles from Space: 1999 landing on a rocky (Earth-like) planet:
UPDATE [DinT]: Total fuckin ripoff. You think you can just streamline a nose, add some pod thingy feets outboard and a lame-ass exoskeleton?
Fargin commies...