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June 20, 2008
Obama Debuts (for Real) His Own Very Special Pre-Presidential Seal
For reallies. A Logo You Can Believe In (TM).
Slublog's not letting that level of presumptuousness pass:

Though I don't see why Obama doesn't just stick with his old presidential logo:

Again, thanks to Slublog.
Illegal? Nah. There's a statute against using the "likeness" of the presidential seal in advertising, but I take "likeness" to mean "facsimilie." That is, using the actual seal.
It's the difference between obviously-fake parody "dollar bills" and counterfeit dollar bills. The former are legal, because they don't actually look like real dollar bills. A bit like them, sure, but not really like them. The latter are illegal because they look like the real thing.
Obama's seal is obviously patterned after the seal, but it also can't be mistaken for it. So it's not a "likeness" of the seal as "likeness" is intended to mean. Likeness illegal, resemblance legal. And the Obama seal, while as offensively messianiac and hyped up as everything else about this jug-eared jackass, is merely a resemblance of the presidential seal.