� Lara Logan, In-Bedded Reporter |
Viva Villa: Three Mexican Army Members Raid US Home in Full Tactical Gear; Arrested for Murder
Update: Or Did They? �
June 26, 2008
Some Politicians Talking Up Ignoring Supreme Court Child-Rape Decision
A lot of empty talk. Why, I was filled with all sorts of thoughts along these lines yesterday. But it's not going to happen.
True enough, if it did happen -- if the Louisiana state supreme court simply rejected the Supreme Court's decision and affirmed Patrick Kennedy's death sentence, and directed the governor to execute him as lawfully determined -- it would produce an absolutely scrumptuous constitutional crisis which would serve as shot across Anthony "Evolving Standards" Kennedy's bow and teach him an important lesson: The court's self-proclaimed supremacy over all other branches of government (including coordinate state courts) continues only due to the public's acquiesence to this strange state of affairs, and the Liberal Kennedy Court's aggressive envelope-pushing just might end that acquiesence.
But no one has any balls, so forget about it.
Speaking of not having any balls -- Bobby Jindal just signed a castration bill into law for recidivist sex offenders.
Wonder what our Evolving Standards of a National Consensus as Divined from Current European Traditions might have to say about that.