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June 08, 2008
Biofuel backlash (genghis)
Unintended consequences?
Of course not dearies…just trying to work a few kinks out.
According to this Seattle Times article:
”…in the last year, the promise of renewable fuels has lost a lot of its luster. Prices of biodiesel have almost doubled to about $6 per gallon, and many experts blame biofuel production for driving up food prices worldwide. Prominent scientists have questioned whether growing crops for biofuels produces more greenhouse gases than it prevents.”
No…really? Eh, let’s just skip to the chase. Time to think outside the box, shift to a new paradigm, redefine the metric, etc.
”Venture-capital investing in traditional biofuels has plummeted. But investors are looking intently at the potential of so-called second-generation biofuels — made from waste or nonfood products — that are sustainable and could one day replace oil.”
“Bionavitas, a Redmond firm, is developing a method to grow algae, which founder Michael Weaver says could one day produce 4,000 gallons of vegetable oil annually per acre, up from the 80 to 100 gallons extracted from soy.”
“Weaver said it will take his company three to five years to have a pilot plant producing a significant amount of algae oil. He hopes society will muster enough willpower to allow biofuels to eventually succeed, despite the current backlash.
"We're talking nothing short of survival," he said.”
Seems to me we could just solve the whole biofuel/food shortage issue with one fell swoop. I can certainly think of at least
one natural resource that we have an overabundance of:
These go great with a light Ranch Dip! (serving suggestion)
Bonus: It’s “green” technology, so that should make everybody happy. I’m all about
solutions y’know.

posted by xgenghisx at
09:14 AM
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