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June 16, 2008
Bush Announces Over-the-Horizon Redployment of 34,000 Troops out of Iraq
I don't know. Kind of seems like progress when the crazed warmonger-in-chief thinks we can withdraw such a substantial number of troops from a war he's insanely still attempting to win.
If we all didn't know better, we'd think the coalition is winning the war or somethin'.
Meanwhile, the AP not only notes significant progress in Iraq, but actually (get this) kinda-sorta wonders why the public hasn't taken note of it.
Signs are emerging that Iraq has reached a turning point. Violence is down, armed extremists are in disarray, government confidence is rising and sectarian communities are gearing up for a battle at the polls rather than slaughter in the streets.
Those positive signs are attracting little attention in the United States, where the war-weary public is focused on the American presidential contest and skeptical of talk of success after so many years of unfounded optimism by the war's supporters.
That's rich. The MSM has reduced its coverage of the war by ninety-two percent over the past year, conveniently since the US has been winning the war, and AP blames the lack of public attention on the public itself. As if the public sent a petition to the AP telling them "please embargo all information about any American/coalition victories in Iraq, we'd just really rather not know. Oh, PS, more Haditha and Abu Ghraib, yes please!"
In related news, OJ Simpson wonders why Niccole Brown never calls him anymore.
Thanks to CJ and Dave P. (of Dean's World).
And thanks to JWF for providing the site on the ludicrous reduction in MSM war coverage since we began seriously winning.
Funny how the MSM only pushed the issue and dedicated so much coverage to the war when it was going badly.
And yet... that darned public just isn't taking notice.