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June 21, 2008
Friday Night Flamewar (genghis)
Since LauraW has decided to abdicate her responsibility, guess I have to take over this sad and stupid task to give those of you with court-monitored ankle bracelets (such as LauraW) something to do on this first night of summer.
Feel free to toss up the most hideous music videos you can find as well, just like last week. And under no circumstances are you allowed to comment on the gheyness of others. I simply won’t stand for that in this family-friendly blog. You’ve been warned, dick-smokers and cock-holsters.
So just get it out of yer’ systems. It’s not like there’s gonna’ be a BSG discussion thread by Gabe tonight.
Might as well keep using the Human Torch pic…what, you want a photo of a candle in the wind?
Let’s git bizzy wid it ladyboys!
UPDATE: For any of you sub-morons who are still posting comments on the old blog site, please come into the light. The new site is:
Comments from the old site import and push those on the new one down the list, which really irritates XBradTC, who then starts e-mailing me pictures of his (really small) junk in protest. While those pics are really cute and disturbing, let's all try to get with the program. Win one for the team!
(XBrad, could you send a couple more shots from other angles...not quite getting the full picture, IYKWIM)

posted by xgenghisx at
12:27 AM
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