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June 03, 2008
The AP Says The Chosen One Clinches

From the Slushop Collection
I think the more interesting thing is the bum's rush they are giving Hillary. Look at what this is based on.
public commitments from delegates as well as more than a dozen private commitments. It also included a minimum number of delegates Obama was guaranteed even if he lost the final two primaries in South Dakota and Montana later in the day.
This is essentially an exit poll of superdelegates, who as many have pointed out aren’t locked into to their selection until they vote at the convention.
I have no doubt the numbers are right or will be tonight or tomorrow but why the rush? Oh yeah, because the MSM has spent almost 20 years sucking up to and protecting the Clintons but the moment the next It Candidate came along they dropped her like a lottery winner ditching his old wife for a young hottie.
If she’s learned nothing else during this campaign, I think Hillary now understands what it’s like to be a Republican.
With this out of the way, the days only real question remains…will she or won’t she...wear the glasses?
Please Megyn, we need them now more than ever.
UPDATE: For those keeping hope alive...NBC says it's not over. Yet. Of course they also report Obama has picked up 11 delegates today (10 supers and 1 former Edwards supporter).

posted by DrewM. at
01:52 PM
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